Food is going to be a big problem -The Poor will be hit hard but the Rich will feel it too -The world will become less stable -Wealthy Countries are not pulling their weight
Sunrise in Juneau the morning of 8/2010: This is Douglas Harbor, Alaska.
Monday, March 31, 2014
4 arguments that scream save public education!
education privatizers are trying to convince us that parental 'choice'
will solve all the problems in our schools. But the choice they have in
mind is to dismantle a once-proud system of education that was nurtured
and funded by a society of Americans willing to work together.
The wealthiest among us seem to have forgotten how important it is to
cooperate, as most Americans did in the post-WW2 years, in order to
forge new paths of productivity and inventiveness.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Cancer killing Vegetables - Garlic, spinach, onions, kale
Good Information - They cover a variety of cancers and the cure.
Poverty is the biggest problem for Public Education today
The October 2013 Southern Education Foundation study
indicates clearly that poverty, which has long been the biggest
obstacle to educational achievement, is more important than ever. It is
our true 21st century problem. Fifty years ago, we educated
mostly working-class kids and up, and we did not expect those at the
bottom of the socioeconomic ladder to graduate. Now we educate all
students, including the very poorest and otherwise disadvantaged.
Koch Brothers - Buying Congress one politician at a time.
Policy making is cheap to the Koch Brothers. Politicians are being bought off for a relatively low price and the Koch Brothers make Billions off of us, the middle class and poor.
Climate Science vs Climate Politics - A chart that explains much
Climate Science vs Climate Politics - Check out this chart.
If you follow the news on climate change, you hear it over and over again: 97 percent of climate scientists agree that global warming is real and caused by human activity.
On Tuesday, geochemist James Lawrence Powell took that rhetoric even further, releasing a study finding that out of all 10,855 climate studies published in peer-review journals during 2013, only two of them explicitly rejected anthropogenic global warming. Put another way, that’s roughly .02 percent of published research that denies outright the existence of man-made climate change.
If you follow the news on climate change, you hear it over and over again: 97 percent of climate scientists agree that global warming is real and caused by human activity.
On Tuesday, geochemist James Lawrence Powell took that rhetoric even further, releasing a study finding that out of all 10,855 climate studies published in peer-review journals during 2013, only two of them explicitly rejected anthropogenic global warming. Put another way, that’s roughly .02 percent of published research that denies outright the existence of man-made climate change.
OUR TAX DOLLARS are being wasting our money on teaching CREATIONISM! Public Funding for non-science is horrible.
Although it is a well-established legal precedent that it is a gross
violation of the United States Constitution, there is a monumentally
concerted effort to funnel taxpayer dollars meant for public education
to private religious schools to inculcate superstition founded on the
Christian deity and the bizarre notion it created the entire Universe in
six literal 24-hour days. In a report
last week it was revealed that taxpayers are unknowingly funding $1
billion in tuition for private schools teaching creationism in 14 states
across America, including hundreds of religious schools training
children that modern biology, geology and cosmology are all lies.
School Privatization is turning into a disaster
I think at the rate we're moving now, we will see places like Detroit,
New Orleans, Washington DC, Philadelphia, Kansas City, Indianapolis, and
many, many other cities where public schools become, if they still
exist, they will be a dumping ground for the kids that the charter
schools don't want. We will see the privatization of public education
run rampant.
Even though privatization is a disaster it is being pushed because there is big money to be made. Those profits are being taken out of the education of the students is the problem. I am teaching in Alaska and watching the cuts taking place, it is not good for the students.
Even though privatization is a disaster it is being pushed because there is big money to be made. Those profits are being taken out of the education of the students is the problem. I am teaching in Alaska and watching the cuts taking place, it is not good for the students.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Climate Change - No argument needed, think logically
We only get to play the climate game once. If we get it wrong - we are screwed. Short and interesting discussion on climate change options.
very well done.
very well done.
Texas Right Wing NutJob arrested on his way to rob a bank.
It sounds like he thought he could get away with it - Crazy Stuff. When the I HATE OBAMA noise is taken seriously by the Right Wing Crazies.
GunFail - 29 shootings this past week. A slow week.
A relatively calm week in GunFAIL, finally with equally quiet numbers
among the child victims. I found just five last week, ages 4, 12, 14, 14
and 16. That may be a record low!
No such slowdown in the number of people who accidentally shot themselves, though. There were still 21 of those, and the estimate of about 75 per month seems well on track for the month of March, where we're already up to 72. That brings the current running total for the year to 219. Of course, those are just the victims for whom I've been able to produce links.
Also, one dudebro visiting the neighborhood tattoo and piercing parlor who took his gun out to show his buds, and ended up with a free piercing.
No such slowdown in the number of people who accidentally shot themselves, though. There were still 21 of those, and the estimate of about 75 per month seems well on track for the month of March, where we're already up to 72. That brings the current running total for the year to 219. Of course, those are just the victims for whom I've been able to produce links.
Also, one dudebro visiting the neighborhood tattoo and piercing parlor who took his gun out to show his buds, and ended up with a free piercing.
Hobby Lobby - The slippery Slope
Lawyers will love this law, lots of money to be made sorting it out.
Fracking - A discussion on The Daily Show: The Benefits of Fracking
The "Daily Show" ran a segment on hydraulic fracturing
on Thursday night that featured its "correspondent" Asif Mandvi
interviewing people on the controversial oil and gas extraction process
known as "fracking."
Mandvi talked to Marita Noon, a former Christian speaker and the executive director of New Mexico-based Citizens Alliance for Responsible Energy, a non-profit lobbying organization that also operates a group called Energy Makes America Great.
Mandvi talked to Marita Noon, a former Christian speaker and the executive director of New Mexico-based Citizens Alliance for Responsible Energy, a non-profit lobbying organization that also operates a group called Energy Makes America Great.
Tax Cuts for the Rich DO NOT INCREASE JOBS! This wealthy man explains.
Meet Nick Hanauer. He’s a very wealthy man, his family owns a lot of
things, and he’s invested in some big companies that started out small
(ahem ... Amazon...). He’s got a few things to say about who the job
creators really are in our country, and it goes totally against
the standard trope you usually hear from politicians and talking heads.
Delightfully so.
Half of American Citizens are at or near Poverty. Is this the America you want?
The costs of food and housing and education and health care and
transportation and child care and taxes have been well-defined by
organizations such as the Economic Policy Institute,
which calculated that a U.S. family of three would require an average
of about $48,000 a year to meet basic needs; and by the Working Poor Families Project, which estimates the income required for basic needs for a family of four at about $45,000. The median household income is $51,000.
It is past time for women to speak up against Men who make laws against their body and reproduction.
Men Can Say Stupid Things On TV. When They Do, Women Have A Way Of Shutting That Down.
Gererational War on Social Security - Taking Social Security away from our elders. The war is on.
RAISE THE LIMIT to keep Social Security solid for the next 75 years! Presently, SS is taken out on the first 110,000 of income. So Billionaires and Millionaires are not paying any more than you and I. The wealthiest are making a killing as we can see with income inequality. The least they can do is pay Social Security Tax on income up to 300,000 and it will keep the system solvent for many years to come.
...generational warfare cheerleaders are proclaiming that America is heading toward an epic and immoral conflict as better-off seniors are robbing millennials of shrinking federal dollars because retirement programs cost too much. That’s simply false, as Social Security is solvent through 2033, and spending on all mandatory programs as a percentage of GDP is close to where it’s been since 1975, at 21 percent.
...generational warfare cheerleaders are proclaiming that America is heading toward an epic and immoral conflict as better-off seniors are robbing millennials of shrinking federal dollars because retirement programs cost too much. That’s simply false, as Social Security is solvent through 2033, and spending on all mandatory programs as a percentage of GDP is close to where it’s been since 1975, at 21 percent.
Piers Morgan - Gun Control, His final comment
After reminding his viewers of the sobering statistics of gun violence in the U.S., Morgan let it rip;
“…I assumed that after 70 people were shot in a movie theater, and then just a few months later, 20 first-graders were murdered with an assault rifle in an elementary school, that the absurd gun laws in this country would change – but nothing has happened. The gun lobby… lead by the NRA, has bullied this countries’ politicians into cowardly supine silence. Even when 20 young children are blown away in their classrooms. This is a shameful situation…”
Friday, March 28, 2014
Hobby Lobby case - Corporate America will be hurt big if Hobby Lobby gets religious designation. Interesting
All of this is a sideshow to the ensuing carnival of unintended
consequences that will be unleashed should our venerated SCOTUS,
inc.--or more precisely, Justice Kennedy, inc.--decide to grant
supernatural powers to every corporation in America.
So says trial lawyer extraordinaire and Ring of Fire radio host Mike Papantonio (appearing yesterday on the Ed Schultz radio show) who says such a ruling would be good news for anyone damaged by corporate malfeasance. For Hobby Lobby's super Jesus Powers would not only mark the end of Corporate Personhood. It would end Corporate Indemnity.
So says trial lawyer extraordinaire and Ring of Fire radio host Mike Papantonio (appearing yesterday on the Ed Schultz radio show) who says such a ruling would be good news for anyone damaged by corporate malfeasance. For Hobby Lobby's super Jesus Powers would not only mark the end of Corporate Personhood. It would end Corporate Indemnity.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Missouri - Billionaire is set on making money off Public School! (Great Teachers will leave teaching!)
A billionaire is just trying to cheapen teaching so he can privatize Public Education and his company could make a few more millions or billions.
Winter 2014 - a recap, 90 second video
It goes over major storms and records set this past winter.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
4 Ways giving Religious Rights to Businesses can hurt average citizens
- The right to discriminate will be in law. -Employers can determine health care - Women's rights will be limited.
10 Republican Lies - DEBUNKED
I hasten to note that this list obviously doesn't cover everything and
I'm sure you'll have some additional examples for the comments below.
But the following are definitely the 10 most mendacious things the GOP
has attempted to foist upon the American public.
Sugar Substitute that kills bacteria on teeth, xylitol
Xylitol - Using it instead of sugar is like brushing your teeth according to this dentist.
We are losing another teacher. - Teacher Shortage looming
I too am quitting teaching. I find the grind much too difficult and draining. I see constant poverty and need of children and parents but less and less help available. From my position as teacher I see homelessness, lack of food, mental illness, lack of medical care and imprisonment of a parent. The above issues are daily and they trump the childs need to develop their reading, writing and math skills. I am moving away from teaching because the heart ache and frustration of teaching is just too much to bare. I am also away from my family so I am moving back to be a grandfather and father as well. I DID NOT renew my teaching certificate in OR because I am done with teaching as my profession of choice. TESTING, TESTING, TESTING instead of putting the needs of the child first is also a major consideration for leaving. I just do not see us getting back to doing what is best for the child.
I am writing today to let you know that I am resigning my position as PreK and Kindergarten teacher in the Cambridge Public Schools. It is with deep sadness that I have reached this decision, as I have loved my job, my school community, and the families and amazing and dedicated faculty I have been connected with throughout the district for the past eighteen years. I have always seen myself as a public school teacher, and fully intended to work until retirement in the public school system. Further, I am the product of public schools, and my son attended Cambridge Public Schools from PreK through Grade 12. I am and always have been a firm believer in quality public education.
I am writing today to let you know that I am resigning my position as PreK and Kindergarten teacher in the Cambridge Public Schools. It is with deep sadness that I have reached this decision, as I have loved my job, my school community, and the families and amazing and dedicated faculty I have been connected with throughout the district for the past eighteen years. I have always seen myself as a public school teacher, and fully intended to work until retirement in the public school system. Further, I am the product of public schools, and my son attended Cambridge Public Schools from PreK through Grade 12. I am and always have been a firm believer in quality public education.
Women in poverty and on Welfare - The real story.
"People were embracing higher and higher standards for marriage," Edin explains. From a financial standpoint alone, "the men that would have been marriageable [in the 1950s] are no longer marriageable now. That's a cultural change." The low-income women in Edin's study reported that decent, trustworthy, available men were in short supply in their communities, where there were often major sex imbalances thanks to high incarceration rates. This, Edin found, was why low-income women were willing to decouple childbearing from marriage: They believed if they waited until everything was perfect, they might never have children. And children, says Edin, are "the thing in life you can't live without." As one subject explained, "I don't wanna have a big trail of divorce, you know. I'd rather say, 'Yes, I had my kids out of wedlock' than say, 'I married this idiot.' It's like a pride thing."
"People were embracing higher and higher standards for marriage," Edin explains. From a financial standpoint alone, "the men that would have been marriageable [in the 1950s] are no longer marriageable now. That's a cultural change." The low-income women in Edin's study reported that decent, trustworthy, available men were in short supply in their communities, where there were often major sex imbalances thanks to high incarceration rates. This, Edin found, was why low-income women were willing to decouple childbearing from marriage: They believed if they waited until everything was perfect, they might never have children. And children, says Edin, are "the thing in life you can't live without." As one subject explained, "I don't wanna have a big trail of divorce, you know. I'd rather say, 'Yes, I had my kids out of wedlock' than say, 'I married this idiot.' It's like a pride thing."
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Paul Ryan's latest Culture comments about the poor is just another excuse not to do anything.
Blaming poverty on the mysterious influence of “culture” is a convenient excuse for doing nothing to address the problem.
That’s the real issue with what Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said about distressed inner-city communities. Critics who accuse him of racism are missing the point. What he’s really guilty of is providing a reason for government to throw up its hands in mock helplessness.
That’s the real issue with what Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said about distressed inner-city communities. Critics who accuse him of racism are missing the point. What he’s really guilty of is providing a reason for government to throw up its hands in mock helplessness.
Jon Stewart mocks the crazy news coverage regarding the missing airplane
It's Gone: Mudslide and a community disappears
OSO, Wash. (AP) — First there was
a "whoosh." Elaine Young said she thought it might be a chimney fire, a
rush of air that lasted about 45 seconds. But when she stepped outside
there was ominous silence. Something felt very, very wrong.
Related Stories
- Search for Washington mudslide survivors grows Associated Press
- 14 dead in Washington mudslide; search continues Associated Press
- Fears rise that more than 8 died in mudslide Associated Press
- At least three dead in huge Washington mudslide The Week (RSS)
- At least 3 dead in huge Washington mudslide The Week (RSS)
And then she saw it. Behind the house, a suffocating wall of heavy mud had crashed through the neighborhood.
The meaning of life - an explanation
The meaning of life with or without religion as your leading guide through life.
Monday, March 24, 2014
Fred Phelp's son Nathan gives a very sincere and worthwhile message about his Dad's passing. Good Stuff
On behalf of Nathan Phelps, son of former Westboro Baptist Church leader
Fred Phelps, Recovering From Religion issues the following official
“Fred Phelps is now the past. The present and the future are for the
living. Unfortunately, Fred’s ideas have not died with him, but live on,
not just among the members of Westboro Baptist Church, but among the
many communities and small minds that refuse to recognize the equality
and humanity of our brothers and sisters on this small planet we share. I
will mourn his passing, not for the man he was, but for the man he
could have been.
New Rules - Bill Maher Great
Bill Maher on Dems taking back the semantics of Political discussions.
Orange - Cinnamon cleaning agent - make it yourself
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Climate Scientists are very concerned - You should be concerned too.
Average global temperature has increased by about 1.4˚F over the last 100 years. Sea level is rising, and some
types of extreme events — such as heat waves and heavy precipitation
events -– are happening more frequently. Recent scientific findings
indicate that climate change is likely responsible for the increase in
the intensity of many of these events in recent years.
4 Years of Obamacare - IT IS WORKING!!! A 4 minute video
The numbers are staggering about the good things created by Obamacare.
10 Insane History Lessons taught in Voucher Schools - You and I are paying for this.
1. The Great Depression: Made Up to Spread Socialism
In a section titled "More Rumors," America: Land I Love In Christian Perspective takes on the origins of the Great Depression. The book explains that,
"Some people wanted to create an imaginary
crisis in order to move the country toward socialism. They spread rumors
of bank mortgage foreclosures and mass evictions from farms, homes and
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Toothache or sensitive teeth? Coconut oil
This says Coconut oil brushing (pulling) will cure tooth aches, cavities and sore gums.
Friday, March 21, 2014
The President - The Biggest Tree in the World and how they photographed it
Putting this tree in one picture was a massive undertaking. They took many photographs and morphed them together to get a single picture.
Hydrogen Pyroxide has many healthy and cleaning uses
You can even brush your teeth with it and put it in your bathtub.
Obamacare hits 5 Million enrollees
Just last week
the White House had announced 4.2 million sign-ups through February,
not counting Medicaid enrollments, which means the pace has picked up in
the last two weeks. The pace of enrollments is likely to continue over
the next two weeks, meaning the administration's goal of six million
enrollees is likely to be reached.
Conservative Fellow admits the US has third world health insurance. Great
Aasif Mandvi of The Daily Show used his wit to force the
truth out of Fox conservative business commentator Todd Wilemon. It was a
smooth takedown that left the professional in a fight for words.
“The US healthcare system is the best in the world,” said Wilemon. “But now with Obamacare our choices have been limited. You know, people are going to be seeing this cost more. I am getting less. I am not going to be happy.”
“The US healthcare system is the best in the world,” said Wilemon. “But now with Obamacare our choices have been limited. You know, people are going to be seeing this cost more. I am getting less. I am not going to be happy.”
5 Times when News Anchors got Shut Down by experts
News and Fox in Particular are selling a political idea. Here they try to lead the witness and it backfires.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
A video of Mendenhall Glacier - Great
I was just in the ice cave today. This is a great little video.
Me in an Ice Cave at Mendenhall Glacier.
Me in an Ice Cave today on the Mendenhall Glacier. I might add that the Ice Cave from 4 years ago (now a pile of rock and sand) was much bigger. This one goes in about 60 yards.
How do we know what is true? Great Video that explains it well
I am almost embarrassed to admit that I was virtually unaware of the many talents of the great Stephen Fry before seeing him in "V for Vendetta."
I loved that film and loved his character in it.
Since then I have learned a great deal about his vast body of work,
I loved that film and loved his character in it.
Since then I have learned a great deal about his vast body of work,
GunFail: People shot this week!
Another week heavy on the accidental self-shooters. I'm getting the
impression that this was always the case, since the stream seems fairly
regular and consistent. But it wasn't until recently that I really began
counting them as a distinct category. This list includes 21 people who
accidentally shot themselves, plus one 8-year-old injured by the recoil
of a handgun he found and fired. In combing through the posts from early
2013, and keeping tabs as we go through 2014, it seems we can expect to
find about 75 such cases each month.
All the regular categories were represented: four gun-cleaning accidents, one "home invasion" shooting (in which one "Second Amendments" a neighbor's property), two holster accidents, four guns dropped and discharged, two cop and/or security guard mishaps, and an assortment of target shooting accidents, "just trying to scare someone" accidents, and "just wanted to show off my gun" accidents.
All the regular categories were represented: four gun-cleaning accidents, one "home invasion" shooting (in which one "Second Amendments" a neighbor's property), two holster accidents, four guns dropped and discharged, two cop and/or security guard mishaps, and an assortment of target shooting accidents, "just trying to scare someone" accidents, and "just wanted to show off my gun" accidents.
February caps 29 year of warmer than normal months on Earth. (Polar Cap temps have increased dramatically)
What is not
shown here is that temperatures in polar regions were remarkably
between 5.4 and 12.6 deg F above the 1981-2010 climate mean!
Texas Woman destroyed Texas bigoted abortion bill
This was quite good. It needs to happen more often.
18 Right Wing Myths about President Obama - Debunked. Good Information
1) Obama takes too many vacations.
FACT: As of August 16th of 2013, Obama had taken 92 days of vacation vs 367 for George W. Bush.2) Obama has divided the nation.
FACT: Obama has done more to unite this nation than any president since Lincoln. But he’s up against a phalanx of 21st Century separatists, racists and neo-fascists, some of whom have openly proposed seceding. Here… let me hold that door for you. Besides; who’s dividing the Republican party into right wing and ultra-far right wings? Is Obama doing that too? Nope. Look in a mirror Teabigots.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Health Care compared to other nations. Hint: (We PAY MORE than England for no insurance.)
John Green is kind of amazing. He knows his facts way better than you or me. And they are mind-blowing and/or horrifying.
This is a great video and you learn a lot in just a few minutes of your time. Well worth the time.
This is a great video and you learn a lot in just a few minutes of your time. Well worth the time.
Republican Austerity Budgeting is a Terrible Mistake.
"The global economy is extremely fragile right now," says Reich. "This
is the worst time to take the false snake oil of austerity economics.
It's a very dangerous potion. We are doing it here in the US as well. We
are not doing it as loudly, we're not embracing it quite as much, but
the fact of the matter is we do need a much more stimulative fiscal
Striking a note that politicians on the left should be pondering, he adds: "I think the whole debate about stimulus or austerity is really about the business cycle. What we are talking about – widening inequality – is more structural and that requires, beyond a reversal of austerity, some much more fundamental reforms."
Striking a note that politicians on the left should be pondering, he adds: "I think the whole debate about stimulus or austerity is really about the business cycle. What we are talking about – widening inequality – is more structural and that requires, beyond a reversal of austerity, some much more fundamental reforms."
New Federal Study to test Pot on PTSD, Groundbreaking.
For the first time, the Federal Government has approved a study to test if and when POT can successfully treat PTSD with soldiers. The Feds normally put people in jail for smoking Pot.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Smoke in the cabin of the downed plane? This explanation makes sense.
This is a very good explanation of what could have happened to flight 370. It makes much more sense than most other explanations I have seen.
Monday, March 17, 2014
Juanita Jean - There is no such thing as a Republican Woman. Busy Republican Girls
Honey, there is no such thing as a Republican woman. There are
Republican girls but once a girl becomes a woman, she becomes a
This is the damn strangest story.
This is the damn strangest story.
The Ryan War On Poverty just makes Poverty worse - Example - Kentucky
All of the Right Wing Policies have been in place and there has been sky rocketing unemployment and poverty. The only hope they have are the programs which Paul Ryan is trying to stop or defund.
10 Ways the US abuses us citizens
Being poor, a minority or a woman in the US means YOU HAVE FEWER RIGHTS than white, middle class and/or wealthy.
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Cancer: Milk Thistle works on skin cancer
AMAZING news – please share: Scientists have found that Milk thistle protects against both UV-induced skin cancer and “photo aging” (light degradation) of skin.
Two University of Colorado (USA) Cancer Center studies, the second of which was published on Jan 28th 2013, have demonstrated that silibinin – the main active ingredient in milk thistle seed extract – has efficacy against both ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB)-induced skin carcinogenesis and photo-aging.
What’s truly astonishing is that silibinin has been found to act selectively – killing cells that have been mutated by UVA, while simultaneously being non-toxic to healthy cells and also accelerating repair of UVB-damaged non-cancerous cells.
Two University of Colorado (USA) Cancer Center studies, the second of which was published on Jan 28th 2013, have demonstrated that silibinin – the main active ingredient in milk thistle seed extract – has efficacy against both ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB)-induced skin carcinogenesis and photo-aging.
What’s truly astonishing is that silibinin has been found to act selectively – killing cells that have been mutated by UVA, while simultaneously being non-toxic to healthy cells and also accelerating repair of UVB-damaged non-cancerous cells.
The Missing Jet - WHERE IS IT? WHAT HAPPENED? This is the best total explanation I have seen.
Most likely, and by "most likely" I mean the probability is
approximately 99.999999999999%, the plane and its unfortunate passengers
are scattered like confetti across a large portion of the seafloor
under the Gulf of Thailand or the Andaman Sea.
It does go into alternate theories. Personally, I am hoping it is hidden in a jungle so at some point the innocent passengers can eventually make it back home to their loved one. Realistically, that is probably not going to happen.
It does go into alternate theories. Personally, I am hoping it is hidden in a jungle so at some point the innocent passengers can eventually make it back home to their loved one. Realistically, that is probably not going to happen.
Tiny House with a queen sized bed. (less than 300 sf)
The more I see these, the more I think I might want to try this.
Jon Stewart and Anita Hill talk about her harrassment by Clarence Thomas 22 years ago.
There is a new movie called ANITA talking about sexual harrassment in our society now and in the past.
Sarah Silverman speaks for me - Let's protect the child!
Sarah Silverman is Pro Life and so am I.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Idiots and Politics: A video to explain how Politics works these days.
The Rich Liars hair smart people to know what Idiots think and guide the Idiots thinking to vote in the Rich Liars.
Jon Stewart Shames Republicans for Voting NO on the Veterans Jobs Bill
Jon Stewart is right on target again.
12 cures for sore muscles
cures for sore muscles. As I get older, I need these.
Maher: Noah's Ark - quite good
And finally, New Rule: No one can blame me when I say this is a stupid
country, when 60% of the adults in it think the Noah's Ark story is
literally true. Which is why I'm already sick of seeing the ads for
this floating piece of giraffe crap.
The TeaParty and Right Wing are working to REPEAL THE 20TH Century.
Silly me: President Obama’s executive order to expand opportunities for
overtime pay Thursday seemed like a win-win. Currently, if you make more
than $23,000, you can’t necessarily receive overtime; the president’s
order would raise that cap, and also make it harder for employers to
classify people with almost no supervisory duties as “supervisors” and
thus exempt.
Friday, March 14, 2014
Colbert: Applauds Fox for exposing the hidden danger of paying people overtime
Stephen Colbert couldn’t agree more, which is why he celebrated Cavuto
and the crack team at Fox News for their willingness to speak hard
truths about who deserves to be paid for their labor.
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Republican Rape Insurance Stirs Outrage
Rape Insurance before you get raped or get pregnant from incest is wrong!! The Republican War on Women continues.
2 elephants see each other after 20 years. Great Story
One elephant gets unchained and let go in a preserve with an old elephant friend.
Krystal Ball Brutally Eviscerates The GOP and trashes Corporate Dems - Interesting
Short version: The GOP is a staggering corpse that is fading into
irrelevance and the real future is in the fight between pro-corporate
Democrats and pro-worker Democrats.
But you definitely want to see it for yourself . . .
But you definitely want to see it for yourself . . .
Penus Pumps for old men but no Contraception for women - Government (Republican) Hypocrisy.
Semantha Bee talks about Penus Pumps and how the Government will pay for them but do not want to pay for Contraception for women or Family Planning.
The Florida State Attorney who vindictively wants Marissa Alexander in Jail for 60 years.
A black woman cannot use Stand Your Ground Laws with this State Attorney. Stand Your Ground for White Males only it seems.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Gun Accidents this past week. Kids shot: 9 of 13 were under 10 (5 were pre-schoolers) 23 addidentally shot
An extraordinarily tough week for the kids this time around, with 13
accidentally shot, and a number of very young ones among the victims.
Nine of the 13 were under age 10, and five of them were pre-schoolers.
One of the victims was identified only as a child, so we can only guess
how old he or she was. It could've been worse, of course. One of our
"home invasion" shootings involved a stray bullet sent through the
window of a home daycare. A total of six lucky Americans were gifted a
freedom projectile by neighbors or other area patriots last week.
The other big total, surprising no one, was the number people who accidentally shot themselves: 23 of them.
The other big total, surprising no one, was the number people who accidentally shot themselves: 23 of them.
50 Signs of watching too much Fox News
1. You are OUTRAGED at how Obama has shredded the Constitution but can’t name any rights you’ve lost since January 20, 2009.
2. You think record breaking cold weather in the middle of winter disproves “Global Warming.”
3. You think record breaking cold weather in the middle of winter disproves “Global Warming” but record breaking heat waves in the summer are just a fluke.
47 more
2. You think record breaking cold weather in the middle of winter disproves “Global Warming.”
3. You think record breaking cold weather in the middle of winter disproves “Global Warming” but record breaking heat waves in the summer are just a fluke.
47 more
Cancer: Alkaline approach can successfully treat cancer
the 1930′s, an interesting natural cancer treatment was proposed as a
simple, effective answer to cancer – almost any cancer. This treatment
approach is not well known because it is considered alternative or
experimental – or even dangerous – by the medical and scientific
community and hence has been referenced primarily in obscure
publications outside the mainstream press.
This treatment approach is called alkaline therapy or pH therapy, and is based in part on observations of cultures without significant incidence of cancer and in part on scientific observations of and experimentation with cellular metabolism.
- See more at:
Kale, Cucumbers, Peppers are just a few of the vegetables recommended.This treatment approach is called alkaline therapy or pH therapy, and is based in part on observations of cultures without significant incidence of cancer and in part on scientific observations of and experimentation with cellular metabolism.
- See more at:
cancer. anti cancer,
healthy eating,
healthy Foods
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Maps Of the South: A Bad Place To Live For the Poor
If you want to achieve the American Dream, don't move to the South.
That's because states in the South have extremely low levels of economic
Julia Boonstras lied when she said her insurance was too costly and she could not keep her doctor! SHE LIED!
She is saving over 1200.00 this year and she keeps her doctor as well. She was not even close to being correct on her facts.
Lowest Health Care Cost Increase in 15 years - Obamacare is working
So to sum up, employer health care costs are rising at the slowest rate
in fifteen years, employees are becoming better health care shoppers and
making better choices concerning their health, and despite Republican
propaganda employers have no intention of dropping employee health care
And don't forget, this is being reported in Forbes Magazine, which is not exactly known for their cheerleading on behalf of Obamacare.
And don't forget, this is being reported in Forbes Magazine, which is not exactly known for their cheerleading on behalf of Obamacare.
Jon Stewart - CPAC - The Paul Ryan Free Lunch Lie
"moving" story about a boy who chose a brown-bag lunch over a free school meal -- the moral being that food assistance programs are liberals' ineffective patch for the problem of child poverty, or as Ryan called it, offering a "full stomach and an empty soul."
"Full stomach empty soul? Actually I think that's the slogan for Arby's," Stewart joked.
He then pointed out that not only did the woman Ryan took the story from never meet the boy mentioned in the anecdote, but the story's original author and the boy she wrote about regularly make public appearances advocating for free school lunches.
One of the speeches he highlighted was Rep. Paul Ryan's (R-WI)
"Full stomach empty soul? Actually I think that's the slogan for Arby's," Stewart joked.
He then pointed out that not only did the woman Ryan took the story from never meet the boy mentioned in the anecdote, but the story's original author and the boy she wrote about regularly make public appearances advocating for free school lunches.
On Issue after Issue - Republicans are Wrong
President Obama’s cautiousness in deploying U.S. troops is in keeping
with the nation’s evolving attitude toward long, expensive, overseas
conflicts without directly achievable objectives. In late January of
this year, results from a USA TODAY/Pew Research Center poll
indicated that more than 50 percent of respondents (across party lines)
believed that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan waged across most of the
21st Century to date, failed to achieve anything of
consequence. At least not anything to warrant the costs, both economic
and in human terms.
NC slashes water protection staff shortly after major coal ash spill!
North Carolina has moved forward with a decision to cut 13 percent of
the agency responsible for protecting water resources even as one of the
nation's largest coal ash spills continued to devastate rivers in the
Monday, March 10, 2014
The Poor Can NO LONGER AFFORD Pneumonia Treatment
Yes, this is a scary headline. Almost sounds sensational. It isn't. It
is a cold hard fact. At this moment, if you are counting your pennies,
trying to scrape up enough to pay for a $4 drug at Wal-Mart or Target,
you can not afford an antibiotic that will treat your walking
pneumonia---meaning that you could end up in the hospital saddled with
tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills.
Pregnant Woman Shot and Killed by Trooper Husband
Guns are dangerous even in the hands of a good guy.
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Glaciers are shrinking and ocean levels are rising because of it
As climate-watchers and coastal-dwellers keep a weather eye
out for signals of irreversible changes in the environment, the world’s
fastest-moving glacier has already begun self-destruction.
Jakobshavn is now shedding ice nearly three times as quickly as it was 20 years ago, dumping enormous and growing quantities into the ocean. It's contributed 0.1 millimeters per year to worldwide sea-level rise — more than 3 percent of the 3 mm produced globally — for the past decade.
The glacier “has been retreating for the last 100 years,” according to Ian Joughin, senior principal engineer at the Polar Science Center, part of the University of Washington's Applied Physics Laboratory. “Retreat” means a glacier is shrinking in length, losing more ice from its face that meets the water than accumulates from higher up.
But it was only in recent decades that the retreat reached extreme levels.
Jakobshavn is now shedding ice nearly three times as quickly as it was 20 years ago, dumping enormous and growing quantities into the ocean. It's contributed 0.1 millimeters per year to worldwide sea-level rise — more than 3 percent of the 3 mm produced globally — for the past decade.
The glacier “has been retreating for the last 100 years,” according to Ian Joughin, senior principal engineer at the Polar Science Center, part of the University of Washington's Applied Physics Laboratory. “Retreat” means a glacier is shrinking in length, losing more ice from its face that meets the water than accumulates from higher up.
But it was only in recent decades that the retreat reached extreme levels.
Fukushima: Children told - 'Don't touch the air outside."
In Koriyama, the city recommended shortly after the disaster that children up to two years old not spend more than 15 minutes outside each day. Those aged 3 to 5 should limit their outdoor time to 30 minutes or less.
These limits were lifted last October, but many kindergartens and nursery schools continue to adhere to the limits, in line with the wishes of worried parents.
One mother at an indoor Koriyama playground was overheard telling her child: “Try to avoid touching the outside air”.
In Koriyama, the city recommended shortly after the disaster that children up to two years old not spend more than 15 minutes outside each day. Those aged 3 to 5 should limit their outdoor time to 30 minutes or less.
These limits were lifted last October, but many kindergartens and nursery schools continue to adhere to the limits, in line with the wishes of worried parents.
One mother at an indoor Koriyama playground was overheard telling her child: “Try to avoid touching the outside air”.
Sarah Palin speech at CPAC - Esquire discusses her speech. Great Critique
A friend bailed on the speech, making the very plausible case that Palin
is simply another political celebrity freakshow, like Donald Trump. I
can see the point there but, with Palin, and watching the hysterical
reception her puerile screed received, there is something more serious
going on. She is the living representation of the infantilization of
American politics, a poisonous Grimm Sister telling toxic fairy tales to
audiences drunk on fear, and hate and nonsense. She respects no
standards but her own. She is in perpetual tantrum, railing against her
betters, which is practically everyone, and volunteering for the job of
avatar to the country's reckless vandal of a political Id. It was the
address of a malignant child delivered to an audience of malignant
children. If you applauded, you're an idiot and I feel sorry for you.
Iditarod - Mushing with Jeff King. He has a helmet cam.
Those dogs are amazing. 1000+ miles on a dog sled.
20 ways to boost circulation
I need these. I woke up with a numb hand the other day.
TransCanada Pipeline oil to go to China and oil spills - Facts
It is not oil - it is a thick gunk and it corrodes steal which causes oil spills and it is horrible to clean up. The health hazards with this stuff is massive and IT ENDS UP IN CHINA not the US. There are only 50 or less permanent jobs made with this pipeline and THE COST OF GAS AND OIL WILL NOT GO DOWN if the pipeline is built.
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Pictures of Denali - Trip from Anchorage to Fairbanks. Mudflats.
Great Pictures of Denali.
The road from Anchorage to Fairbanks and back is spectacular regardless of the season. I recently posted some photos from an autumn ride which were rich in color and clouds. But winter holds a particular charm of its own, with stands of bare birches and aspen; snow-kissed spruce; sawtooth mountain ridges that somehow look larger clad in white; and expansive vistas of frost-covered valleys, dotted with lakes and rivers frozen solid and covered with snow. There are few signs that humans exist, other than occasional power lines, and the very highway that takes you from the beginning to the end of the trip. Add to this visual banquet a crystal clear day with bright blue sky and visibility of hundreds of miles, and you get this.
The road from Anchorage to Fairbanks and back is spectacular regardless of the season. I recently posted some photos from an autumn ride which were rich in color and clouds. But winter holds a particular charm of its own, with stands of bare birches and aspen; snow-kissed spruce; sawtooth mountain ridges that somehow look larger clad in white; and expansive vistas of frost-covered valleys, dotted with lakes and rivers frozen solid and covered with snow. There are few signs that humans exist, other than occasional power lines, and the very highway that takes you from the beginning to the end of the trip. Add to this visual banquet a crystal clear day with bright blue sky and visibility of hundreds of miles, and you get this.
CPAC Conference - Lots of Craigslist Personnal Ads asking for Gay Encounters - interesting.
Blasting Gays during the day must make them horny.
Keystone is NOT JUST ANOTHER PIPELINE! It is toxic and dangerous when it spills.
Keystone isn't any normal pipeline. It would pump tar sands oil, one
of the dirtiest fuels on Earth. Adding more tar sands oil to our
energy mix would accelerate climate change, put our health at risk for
generations, and tarnish our international reputation.
Tar sands are a sticky mixture of oil, sediment, and other compounds that requires lots of energy to extract and refine. According to the State Department’s analysis of the Keystone project, Canadian tar sands oil produces 17 percent more carbon pollution on its journey from the ground to a tailpipe or smoke stack than the average crude we use.
Tar sands are a sticky mixture of oil, sediment, and other compounds that requires lots of energy to extract and refine. According to the State Department’s analysis of the Keystone project, Canadian tar sands oil produces 17 percent more carbon pollution on its journey from the ground to a tailpipe or smoke stack than the average crude we use.
Climatologist who predicted the Calif drought 10 years ago says we CAN EXPECT WORSE in the future.
scientists a decade ago not only predicted the loss of Arctic ice
would dry out California, they also precisely predicted the specific,
unprecedented change in the jet stream that has in fact caused the
unprecedented nature of the California drought. Study co-author, Prof.
Lisa Sloan, told me last week that, “I think the actual situation in the
next few decades could be even more dire that our study suggested.”
Back in 2004, Sloan, professor of Earth sciences at UC Santa Cruz, and her graduate student Jacob Sewall published, “Disappearing Arctic sea ice reduces available water in the American west” (subs. req’d). They used powerful computers “to simulate the effects of reduced Arctic sea ice,” and “their most striking finding was a significant reduction in rain and snowfall in the American West.”
Back in 2004, Sloan, professor of Earth sciences at UC Santa Cruz, and her graduate student Jacob Sewall published, “Disappearing Arctic sea ice reduces available water in the American west” (subs. req’d). They used powerful computers “to simulate the effects of reduced Arctic sea ice,” and “their most striking finding was a significant reduction in rain and snowfall in the American West.”
A fellow teacher saw a bear in her yard yesterday.
I was talking to a teacher and she said she saw a bear (looked like it had brown) while she was taking her garbage out before going to school. She and he dog had to walk past the bear to get back into her house. She then had to get to school and was a bit afraid to make it out to her car but did.
The brown part is a bit weird because we don't have many brown bears here, we have black bears. 2 or 3 brown bears were seen last fall. Maybe the Browns have found us. Bears seem to be coming out of hibernation.
The brown part is a bit weird because we don't have many brown bears here, we have black bears. 2 or 3 brown bears were seen last fall. Maybe the Browns have found us. Bears seem to be coming out of hibernation.
Finally - Someone brought up the embassys attacked and people killed during the Bush Years! Took long enough
CNN's Begala Timed Them: It Took Crossfire Conservatives Under 5 Minutes To Invoke Benghazi Smears Against Hillary Clinton
Begala: "How Many Died In The 13 Attacks Under Bush And You Didn't Say A Peep?"
Friday, March 7, 2014
Why we invaded Iraq! Rachel Maddow does some investigative Reporting.
I do not often insist that people watch and share a documentary, however I am doing so with this.
Shipping Container Houses - Great
These homes blow my mind! It's amazing to see that they can recreate a
living space as elegant as these from shipping containers. If you like
this idea too, share it with others.
Climate Denier Buffoons - 5 Reasons (debunked) they refuse to see reason.
California’s record-breaking drought. Britain’s record-breaking floods. Australia’s unprecedented heat wave. And the polar vortex,
times three. The only thing that matched the degree of extreme weather
we saw this past winter was the extreme amount of climate denial that
arose in response.
The overwhelming majority of Americans, and nearly all scientists, believe that climate change is real and caused by human activity.
The overwhelming majority of Americans, and nearly all scientists, believe that climate change is real and caused by human activity.
Jesse Ventura calls Bullshit on Bitchy Billionaires
Tuesday on his show “Off the Grid,” former Minnesota Gov. Jesse
Ventura “called bullsh*t” on the “one percent” who are complaining about
anti-rich persecution despite being allowed to run amok in the United
“With great power comes great responsibility, and with great wealth comes the right to b*tch and moan when you’re being persecuted. Not on my watch. I’m knocking the silver spoons out of the number one percenters mouths on today’s ‘Off the Grid,’” he remarked.
“With great power comes great responsibility, and with great wealth comes the right to b*tch and moan when you’re being persecuted. Not on my watch. I’m knocking the silver spoons out of the number one percenters mouths on today’s ‘Off the Grid,’” he remarked.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Ed Schultz finally opposes the Keystone Pipeline
Ed changes his stance on #KeystoneXL: "Mr. President say no to this project...I was wrong." #edshow
What war does to Children - A startling and short video.
What war does to children. I would also say that Poverty can do similar things to kids.
Jon Stewart - Republicans are shamed for screwing over Veterans
Stewart went on to say, “So the VA is wasteful, often, and ineffective.
This is true, and adds to the debt for this bill. But apparently those
were things that these senators didn’t worry about in 2008, when they
voted to continue funding the Iraq war despite the Pentagon being unable
to account for a missing $15 billion worth of sh*t that we bought.”
Wall Street: They need to make less money so our economy can move forward
Wall Street apologists argue that financiers are responsible for
boosting U.S. productivity and creating new, decent-paying jobs. Well,
we're still waiting. In fact, in the decade following the early 1990s,
labor's share of our national income actually declined by 7.2 percent.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Republicans are desperate at finding a scandal.
Issa held a hearing when he knew the person would not testify. He would not let the Democrats ask any questions and in my mind, Republican Issa made a fool of himself.
Fresh Water - Drinking water is a crisis
Humanity is polluting, mismanaging, and displacing our finite freshwater sources at an alarming rate. Since 1990, half the rivers in China have disappeared. The Ogallala Aquifer that supplies the U.S. breadbasket will be gone “in our lifetime,” the U.S. Department of Agriculture says.
KeyStone Pipeline would be like adding 42 coal plants - A Hazard to our Environment. (Raise the cost $10.00 barrell too)
A new study says our environment will be in danger if Keystone is allowed.
Polar Ice Cap Melt - see it here
Ice reflects the heat back into space. As we lose ice, the heat does not reflect and heats up our atmosphere. The less the ice, the more the heating.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Kochs - 7ways they benefit from Welfare for the Rich
Charles and David Koch, the secretive billionaire brothers who own
Koch Industries, the largest private oil company in America, have spent
millions bankrolling free-market think tanks and pro-business
politicians in order, as David Koch has put it, “to minimize the role of
government, to maximize the role of private economy and to maximize
personal freedoms.” But a closer look at their dealings reveals that
for the past 35 years the brothers have never shied away from using
government subsidies to maximize their own profits, even while
endeavoring to limit government spending on anything else. Simply put:
the Kochs have no problem with socialism — as long as they’re in on the
Putin and Russia are not healthy - a few facts
Under what metric are Putin and Russia “#winning” with the invasion into Crimea? The Russian Central Bank just raised interest rates 150 bps in response to weakness in the Ruble. The Ruble is now the worst performing currency in the world this year.
The Russian economy has been very weak already so a rise In interest rates will weaken it even more going forward. This is all happening before the West imposes any sort of sanctions against the Russian government and those connected to Putin. Enormous sums of wealth from Russia have been laundered in the US and Europe so there are plenty of assets to go after. Even with all of the above it’s clear that Russia has lost a significant chunk of Ukraine from its influence. If there is a partition there will be a large portion of Ukraine that is western leaning. So, how is Russia better off now than they were three months ago? Putin must be playing some game of 3D chess.
Monday, March 3, 2014
Duke Oil is ruining the water and NORTH CAROLINA said nothing - UNTIL THE BIG SPILL
now on, regulators were told, they must focus on customer service,
meaning issuing environmental permits for businesses as quickly as
possible. Big changes are coming, the official said, according to three
people in the meeting, two of whom took notes. “If you don’t like
change, you’ll be gone.”
when the nation’s largest utility, Duke Energy, spilled 39,000 tons of
coal ash into the Dan River in early February, those big changes were
suddenly playing out in a different light.
Guns cause 3 times the number of people killed and injured from the 9/11 attacks - YEARLY!!
The terrorist attacks on on the New York Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001 resulted in 2,996 deaths. More than 6,000 were injured. Firearms cause cause death and injury at the rate of about three (3) September 11s each year.
The new laws in Arizona are not just racist, they are stupid! It was vetoed for the wrong reasons.
With every piece of ludicrous legislation, it becomes increasingly
apparent that AZ- the postal abbreviation for the Grand Canyon State-
stands for Angry Zenophobes. And yes, xenophobe is actually spelled with
an X, but the insensible and intolerant denizens of Arizona are
probably unaware of that. Arizona: the American Uganda. It’s not the
hate, it’s the stupidity.
7 Numbers show how most American were robbed of their retirement money.
The dream of a comfortable retirement is dying for many Americans.
It's being extracted as a form of tribute to the very rich, a
redistribution of our nation's wealth, a "tax" imposed on the middle and
lower classes and paid for with their retirement savings.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Mendenhall Glacier Pictures from today.
I skied into Mendenhall Glacier today. I broke a ski pole which was a pain. It was sunny and about 30 degrees but the wind was blowing 20 to 25 MPH to make it quite cold. A little over a week ago I was in Death Valley and today skiing over a frozen lake to hang out at Mendenhall Glacier.
I feel fortunate.
GW Bush Iraq invasion has Handcuffed President Obama on Options against Russia
For over two hundred years, America refrained from the practice of
unilaterally invading a sovereign nation. It was part of our national
DNA not to partake in preemptive war and as such we were on firm moral
footing to call out the very kind of aggressive conduct the Russians are
engaging in Ukraine.
We do not have those unimpeachable credentials, now - and we do not have them because President George W. Bush launched a preemptive war against a sovereign nation not to protect American lives and interests, but rather what one could strongly argue was more accurately the satisfaction of a personal vendetta.
The final analysis must reflect that the Bush administration’s decision to invade Iraq in 2003, without cause or justification, perhaps forever weakened America’s position to call out other nations for unprovoked aggression. Inescapably, that puts President Obama and American prestige in the untenable position it is today.
We do not have those unimpeachable credentials, now - and we do not have them because President George W. Bush launched a preemptive war against a sovereign nation not to protect American lives and interests, but rather what one could strongly argue was more accurately the satisfaction of a personal vendetta.
The final analysis must reflect that the Bush administration’s decision to invade Iraq in 2003, without cause or justification, perhaps forever weakened America’s position to call out other nations for unprovoked aggression. Inescapably, that puts President Obama and American prestige in the untenable position it is today.
Union Membership in many countries.
What I find interesting is that the most unionized countries generally have the best economies and the most people working.
Job Growth in the Private Sector has been steady and growing under President Obama.
It would even be better if President Obama had gotten his jobs bill and a tax credit for bringing jobs back from overseas.
How Corporations conquered Anerica and ruined our health.
Corporations only care about money NOT HEALTH or the safety of the consumer.
On the business side, corporate managers really had only a few choices that allowed them to satisfy investors’ growing thirst for quick and steady returns on investment. They could create blockbuster products that produced windfall profits for at least a few quarters or years. They could dramatically increase market share by finding new populations of customers or by driving competitors out of business. They could buy and sell companies, hoping to profit by selling off assets or acquiring fast-growing businesses. Finally, companies could increase profits by firing workers, cutting benefits, or using their political muscle to lower taxes or resist or weaken regulations, thereby leaving more revenue as profit. On the political front, corporations expanded each of these opportunities by deploying their new armies of lawyers, lobbyists, public relations staff, and trade associations.
On the business side, corporate managers really had only a few choices that allowed them to satisfy investors’ growing thirst for quick and steady returns on investment. They could create blockbuster products that produced windfall profits for at least a few quarters or years. They could dramatically increase market share by finding new populations of customers or by driving competitors out of business. They could buy and sell companies, hoping to profit by selling off assets or acquiring fast-growing businesses. Finally, companies could increase profits by firing workers, cutting benefits, or using their political muscle to lower taxes or resist or weaken regulations, thereby leaving more revenue as profit. On the political front, corporations expanded each of these opportunities by deploying their new armies of lawyers, lobbyists, public relations staff, and trade associations.
People Killed by guns - A comparison
The US is highter than countries that have strict gun laws. I had someone send me a chart where the US was low but the chart left off countries that were lower. This is the real chart.
13 Amazing Wildlife Photos
He's only been taking photos in a serious
way for about 3 years — but you'd never know it by looking at his
portfolio. Take a look. Tin Man Lee is the Photographer
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Republican Lies: Pentagon Budget NOT CUT TO 1930's levels. The truth
To fully grasp how absurd and filled with historical amnesia this
“pre-World War II” claim is, just look at how the United States Army War
College’s Strategic Studies Institute (SSI) characterized the challenge
facing General George C. Marshall in 1939—before Germany invaded its
first country and then-President Fraklin D. Roosevelt pretended that the
U.S. was neutral while sending old Army planes to England.
“The U.S. Army in 1939 ranked 17 th in the world in size, consisting of slightly more than 200,000 Regular Army soldiers and slightly less than 200,000 National Guardsmen—all organized in woefully understrength and undertrained formations,” a SSI paper by Col. John T. Nelson said. “The Army possessed ony 329 crude light tanks and only a handful of truly modern combat aircraft with a total inventory of just over 1,800 planes.”
“The U.S. Army in 1939 ranked 17 th in the world in size, consisting of slightly more than 200,000 Regular Army soldiers and slightly less than 200,000 National Guardsmen—all organized in woefully understrength and undertrained formations,” a SSI paper by Col. John T. Nelson said. “The Army possessed ony 329 crude light tanks and only a handful of truly modern combat aircraft with a total inventory of just over 1,800 planes.”
Maddow - Texas - War on Women explained. Big Problems for Women
30,000 Unplanned Pregnancies because of closing services for Family Planning.
Bill Maher smacks down the entitled rich
Living on 500 Million dollars is so very difficult? Really? You are oppressed because of your millons?
EPA Moves to Block Pebble Mine - Great News!
The fisheries in Bristol Bay could be devastated by the Pebble Mine. Pebble needs to be stopped.
Medicaid Expansion - Jon Stewart, Where Expansion was not done - result
Al Madrigal talks to people without health care because Republican Governors turned down Medicaid Expansion.
Texas Conservative Republicans took away Health Care for Women in Texas - The Result
Texas has slashed funding for women’s health, leaving more than 155,000 women statewide
without cancer screenings, birth control, and other health care. This
shameful status is an “achievement”? The inadequate avenues still
standing can be “better coordinated”? Sen. Nelson’s Orwellian
doublespeak is a political farce, and it doesn’t fool the savvy women of
this state. They are fed up with out-of-touch politicians and ready for
Guttng Public Education: Conservatives and vouchers are dumbing down our kids. 7 crazy things they are now vbeing taught.
Conservatives are masters at using distortion and subterfuge to sell
people on things they would never buy if properly labeled. Nowhere is
this more evident than in the arena of “school choice” -- a conservative
euphemism for "gutting public education from the inside out."
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