Saturday, September 10, 2016

Joy Reid takes on Trump Surrogate. She is eating him alive.

Joy-Ann Reid cleaned Boris Epshteyn’s clock, a Trump surrogate, and bully, who always beats other network interviewers. He appeared on AM-Joy and attempted the same shenanigans he uses on all networks when interviewed. Boris bullies hosts. He turns every answer into an attack on Hillary Clinton instead of answering the specific question.
Reid laid out the cards early and every time he attempted to evoke a false Clinton narrative she appropriately stopped him.
“Boris, we are not going to crosstalk,” Reid told him early on. “One of us is going to talk at a time. When it is AM-Boris, you can talk whenever you want. We are going to talk one at a time on this show. … I am going to propose a kind of syllogism. It is not a perfect syllogism for people who studied philosophy.  But if I ask you a question about Donald Trump. And you give me an answer about Hillary Clinton. I think it is fair for the people who are watching this show to come to the conclusion that either a) you don’t know the answer to my question, b) the answer to y question will not help your candidate, so you don’t want to give it or 3) you are not here to answer my question. You are here to give talking points that help your candidate. So now I will ask you the question again.”

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