Friday, January 23, 2015

American Sniper is certainly Political: People are threatened with death for any criticism! Free Speech?

So, someone says this movie is political and they get threatened with death and even beheading - US, we are supposed to be the land of free speech.  Not if you want to discuss a war started with lies I guess.  

The biggest shame is that the film could have sparked discussion about the tragic plight of America's soldiers. Veterans are coming home to a country that hasn't done enough to take care of them. Twenty-seven percent of veterans are disabled compared to about 14 percent of the general population; six percent of households receiving food stamp benefits have a veteran in them. The federal government estimates there are almost as many as 50,000 homeless veterans at any one time.
But Kyle is not one of those veterans. He made millions of dollars writing about his time in the military, and was eager to go back. He was a star featured by Conan O'Brien and the mega-church talk circuit.

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