Wednesday, June 18, 2014

My child almost drowned with me watching. Secondary Drowning is serious

Secondary drowning can be difficult to recognize since the victim appears to be OK right after a near-drowning event. Your child may breathe in a very small amount of water and seem like he or she has successfully expelled it through coughing. In secondary drowning, the water may fill up some of the oxygen-rich pores of the lungs, which reduces the ability to oxygenate blood as it passes through. The heart does not slow down significantly with this process, but rather very, very slowly, so your child will still be able to talk and walk. The only symptoms may be a sudden change in personality or level of awareness (just like Ronin experienced) as the blood oxygen level drops over time.
So if your child has experienced a near-drowning experience, watch for a sudden change of personality or energy level. You can save your child's life if you act quickly and get them medical treatment immediately.

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