Friday, April 4, 2014

Koch Brother claims African American President stole his freedom

Charles Koch’s part “woe is me” and part “I am a god” piece in the Republican Wall Street Journal on Wednesday titled, “Charles Koch: I’m Fighting to Restore a Free Society” was, by any stretch of the imagination, sheer self-promotion based on one part pure lies and one part un-American libertarian ideology. Koch’s word for  democratic government is “collectivism” and he claims collectivists stand for controlling people’s lives and instead of encouraging free and open debate they discredit,  intimidate, and engage in character assassination; something he claims he is a daily target of; today will be no different. Charles Koch’s character is steeped in sheer greed, wanton lust for power and control, pathological self-righteousness, and compulsive delusions of grandeur borne of a pathetic overestimation of his self-worth due to wealth; he is the archetype of inherited riches and a prototypical John Bircher. He is also a rank liar and that is not character assassination or up for free and open debate because it is fact.

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