Monday, March 4, 2013

Rush Limbaugh denied service at a Mexican Restaurant - Rush was pissed

Bye, Bye Rush  The restaurant has a No Racist policy!
Rush Limbaugh Denied Service at Mexican Restaurant

Jan. 31, 2013
"Now you listen here you little f**king chihuahua, this is the United States of America, not some banana republic," Limbaugh bellowed. "I am an American citizen and I am hungry. I demand to be served.

"Actually sir, here in the United States, the freedom of association clause in our Constitution allows small business owners the right to refuse service under reasonable circumstances," the owner politely responded.
"Your ugly, racist views mean you're liable to cause a disturbance in my restaurant. And I simply can't have that. So you can take that outrage, put it in this ketchup bottle, shove it up your ass, and get off my property. Es su obligación."

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