Friday, April 21, 2017

LOWEST APPROVAL RATINGS for the first quarter OF ANY PRESIDENT EVER!! President Trump is the winner in the loser catagory

Trump has the lowest first quarter approval of any president. Ever.

Donald Trump's approval rating in the first quarter of his presidency is the lowest Gallup has ever measured. He is the first president to average under 50 percent, and is well below presidents of both parties.
Donald Trump’s approval rating for the first quarter of his presidency is an anemic 41 percent, the lowest ever measured by Gallup. Almost 100 days into his presidency, he is historically unpopular.

Trump's 1st quarter job approval is the lowest of any president since Gallup began surveying in 1953—by 14 points 
Gallup has been measuring approval ratings since 1953, and Trump falls way below the pack. Before Trump, the lowest approval had been President Bill Clinton, rated at 55 percent but still in positive territory.
Trump does even worse compared to his immediate predecessor, President Barack Obama, who had a 63 percent approval in the first quarter of his presidency.
The average president rated at 61 percent, and the highest measured was President John F. Kennedy, with 74 percent.
Gallup notes, “No president before Trump had an initial approval rating below 50%. His poor debut followed his subpar ratings on other measures during the presidential campaign and his presidential transition.”
Trump has failed to achieve anything important in his legislative agenda, while his anti-Muslim executive order has been blocked by the courts. Nearly 100 days in, he has not delivered, and America knows it.

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