Monday, September 19, 2016

Trump threatens Clinton by talking about taking away her armed Secret Service and see what happens. (He said it to angry folks with guns)

Political analyst John Heilemann pointed out that Clinton’s gun safety proposals focused on strengthening background checks, not denying Americans guns to protect their families.
“I think talking loosely about the safety of another candidate is just a dumb thing to do,” Heilemann remarked. “You are sort of suggesting something bad might happen to her. Why are you introducing that as a piece of rhetoric?”
Scarborough reminded the panel that he had been offended by Trump’s remarks suggesting “Second Amendment people” could stop Clinton from appointing anti-gun justices to the Supreme Court.
The MSNBC host added: “But ‘let’s see what happens’ is as ridiculous as me saying, ‘You know what? You think you’re so smart, okay, I’m going to build a rocket ship and you’re going to have to get in that rocket ship and you’re going to go to Mars. And then let’s see what happens, let’s see if you’re really as smart as you think you are.'”
“Hillary Clinton will no more walk down the street without a ton of secret service around her for the rest of her life most likely than you would fly to Mars,” Scarborough opined.
That declaration earned Scarborough another round of condemnation from the panel.
“I’ve heard you make a thousand smart nuanced arguments about where you think the line should be between what’s acceptable gun safety measures and what are unacceptable intrusions on the Second Amendment,” Heilemann told Scarborough. “Donald Trump could make those arguments. He could criticize her in 500 ways… There are a million ways to talk about this that don’t incite these kind of fears.”
“I think this is worse because he did it again,” Halperin agreed. “I’m against phony outrage by either campaign or anybody else. This isn’t phony outrage. This is really upsetting to someone who’s life has been threatened. You just shouldn’t do it.”
“I must be wrong then,” Scarborough concluded.
Watch the video below from MSNBC’s Morning Joe, broadcast Sept. 19, 2016.

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