Saturday, September 10, 2016

Trump and Birtherism - Trump's rep is called out about the birther question

Chris Matthews got testy with a Donald Trumpsurrogate over Trump’s refusal to denounce his birtherism.
Former Congressman Jack Kingston laid the blame on birtherism at Hillary Clinton‘s feet because of some nasty rumors that were going around about President Obamaback then. Matthews said, “Give me the evidence. Where did she say this?”
Kingston claimed he’s seen a memo from the Clinton campaign wanting to play this up. Matthews invited him to go find it and give it to him because “you can’t say Hillary Clinton is the mother of the birther movement without evidence.”
Kingston affirmed what Rudy Giuliani said yesterday––that Trump is no longer a birther. Why? Because he stopped talking about it.
Matthews shot back, “That was a nice try.”

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