Friday, September 16, 2016

Trump: 2 Hours in Flint undoes 3 weeks of minority outreach

 Flint’s magnificent mayor, Karen Weaver nailed it right on the head. She was furious for being sandbagged by the campaign at the last minute, not even being asked for permission to visit and tour, and called the trip out as “an unwanted distraction and a photo op”. Now you know why she’s a mayor, she actually gets politics, and does not suffer fools like Trump gladly.
     The Cheeto Prophet was a nightmare in Flint. He stood at the top of the air stairs, grinning like a baboon, waving like he was at his inauguration, and pumping his fist in the air like a AA shortstop who hit a walkoff homer in the bottom of the ninth. He stopped again midway down the stairs to pump his fist in the air again. What happened, did he just win a 10 round decision against “Glass Jaw” Joe Palooka? What’s with the fist waving shit?
     Then into the motorcade and off to tour a Flint water plant. The press was not allowed to walk the tour with His Orangeness, but they were allowed to the top of the stairs of the atrium where he would exit the tour. But they were kept well back, and with the high ceiling in the atrium the echo made his brief remarks incomprehensible. Accident or no? You decide.
     And then on to the Bethel United Methodist Church, a local water distribution center. And a total quagmire. He made sympathetic tut-tut noises about the problems in Flint and then launched into a stump speech about Hillary Clinton. He was heckled by several people present, and before long even the pastor had seen enough. To quote from an article in ;
The pastor of the church, Rev. Faith Green Timmons, suddenly joined Trump on stage and interrupted him.
“Mr. Trump, I invited you here to thank us for what we’ve done in Flint, not give a political speech,” she said.
“Okay. That’s good,” Trump responded. “Then I’m going to go back onto Flint, okay.”
Trump should have walked off the stage right then and there. When he did “go back to Flint” he made a raging fool of himself. He was speaking from notes, and I’d fire whomever wrote those notes, pronto. He didn’t even realize that he totally contradicted himself on the key issue in Flint! To paraphrase, he said “This problem in Flint will take time to fix, but if I am elected President, I’ll do it quickly”. Say Wha’? Okay Mein Trumpkopf, let me get this straight. This problem is going to take time to fix, but if you are in charge, you can fix it quickly? How exactly does that shit work m’man?
     For the last three weeks we’ve seen the great Trump minority outreach tour. Nobody with two correctly firing synapses thinks even Trump is delusional to think he can win over minorities. This was geared towards suburban white women with families, to make him look more compassionate and human (*giggle, snort* behind my hand). Not anymore. He shows up in a city with a life and death crisis caused by their own Governor, and he’s waving his fist in the air in victory? He goes to a community church giving out bottled water, and spends not even two minutes discussing the actual critical problem these people face?
     That’s the problem when dealing with Trump. You can’t package him. When he’s bragging about his accomplishments, he comes across as authentic, imperious, vain and boastful. But when he tries to do “humble” or “sympathetic” he comes across for what he actually is. A small minded, selfish, narcissistic little pig, who cares for no one other than himself and his family and fortune. News flash KellyAnne, you ain’t gonna fix this in the next 8 weeks. In fact, not ever!
     Thanks as always for reading!

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