Friday, September 23, 2016

THE DONALD started with a MILLION DOLLARS FROM DADDY. Donald then got 200 MILLION WHEN DADDY DIED. Donald's son is trying to say he started out poor and made his business success.

WATCH: Eric Trump Gets Called Out On Fox News For Claiming His Dad Started With Nothing

Eric Trump tried to spin a tale on Fox news about how his father started with nothing to build a business empire, only to be smacked down with a reminder that Donald Trump started out as a millionaire.
The Republican nominee’s demon spawn appeared on Outnumbered on Friday and attempted to portray his dad as just a normal guy who started with nothing in his journey to live the American dream.
After trashing Hillary Clinton as not being relatable to millennial voters, Eric Trump was asked to explain how his father is relatable to them. And his answer was an effort to rewrite the reality of his dad’s life.
“He’s built an amazing company. He’s become the epitome of the American dream.” Eric Trump said. “He’s gone from practically nothing to a man who’s just…”
But that was a total lie and Julie Roginsky didn’t let the younger Trump get away with it.
Roginsky cut Eric Trump off and reminded him that his father got $1 million from his father Fred Trump to start out with.
Nothing?” Roginsky said. “He got a million bucks. Come on, Eric.”
Indeed, Donald Trump grew up the son of one of the richest men in America. He has never known poverty in his entire life. In 1978, he was given $1 million by his father, an amount that Trump called a “small loan” moments after he claimed that life “hasn’t been easy for me” during a town hall event in October 2015.
Of course, that’s an insult to the millions of Americans who live in poverty daily and can’t even get a real small loan to lift themselves out of it. They struggle to put food on the table and to pay the bills, but Donald Trump had everything he could ever want and all the opportunities money could buy. Trump’s dad also started a million dollar trust fund for him and left him a multi-million dollar inheritance when he died. In other words, Donald Trump knows absolutely NOTHING about starting from nothing.
But Eric Trump didn’t address Roginsky’s reminder and just continued trying to sell his dad as a man who pulled himself up by his bootstraps.
“He epitomized what America’s all about: Opportunity and working hard and being able to achieve your dreams and what you want to succeed, right?” Eric Trump continued. “It’s no different than a Zuckerberg, right, who went out with a great idea like a Facebook and developed this idea and built it and grew it and grew it and grew it. That is achieving something, right? And I think it’s very different than a person who has been a career politician.”

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