Saturday, September 17, 2016

Lawrence O'Donnell on Trump and his constant lies. He says a lie, changes it and then lies again.

Lawrence O’Donnell Reveals What Would Happen If Trump Retracted A Lie Per Day (VIDEO)

Donald Trump is a liar. This is pretty well-established by now. But on Friday he stopped telling The Big Lie, the one that allowed him to rise to political prominence and the one upon which so much of his initial support was based: Barack Obama is not a U.S. citizen.
For years, Trump has harangued the President over his birth certificate, passport, college transcripts, and anything else the billionaire could use to delegitimize the first black President of the United States. The 2016 nominee was, in effect, the leader of the “birthers,” a movement he did not start but gladly latched onto, fueled, and drove forward as he and his cohorts ineffectively but annoyingly attacked Obama.
Trump offered no apology. In fact, he spent only about 20 seconds admitting that President Obama was born in the United States, “period.”
That was one lie. But what if Trump were to retract a lie per day? Could he do it? Would he even live long enough to do so? MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell tackled the issue on Friday. Pointing out that Trump, via his doctor’s shady letter The Donald allowed “Dr. Oz” to look at, was willing to lie about a single inch — adding one inch to his actual height to narrowly avoid being classified as medically obese.
“Let’s just assume Donald Trump is much healthier than he looks. Let’s even assume he’s taller and thinner than he really is,” O’Donnell says, deciding to estimate that Trump would live longer than his father. If Trump lived until 95 years old, he will be around for “another 9,131 days.”
If Trump were to retract one lie per day for the rest of his life, “he can retract 9,131 lies,” O’Donnell points out, but there’s a problem. In retracting The Big Lie, he told two more: that Hillary Clinton started the “birther” rumors, and that Trump stopped them through his racist badgering of President Obama.
“If he does it the way he did it today, the lies of Donald Trump will live after him because as he retracted one lie today he told two more,” O’Donnell says. “I think we know that Donald Trump isn’t going to retract a lie every day. I think we know that Donald Trump is going to continue to lie every day.” Then he brought it home:
“I think we know that there is nothing too small for Donald Trump to lie about, including that extra inch of height he decided he needed this week. He will lie about an inch. I think we know there’s nothing too big for Donald Trump to lie about, nothing too big, nothing too solemn…He will lie about anything. And so I think we know that long after he’s gone, long after his name has disappeared from buildings, the lies of Donald Trump will live after him.”

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