Sunday, September 11, 2016

Jon Stewart's Statement on 9/11/ 9 Days after 9/11

It’s really a testament to Jon Stewart’s skill and talent that he was able to pull this off so smoothly but with a somber note that fit the occasion very well.
Stewart can be observed breaking down several times while delivering his heartfelt monologue.
Business Insider reported on the broadcast in August 2015as part of a broader overview of Stewart’s career with The Daily Show as he prepared to retire from the show, writing that:
“Visibly shaken by the tragic events, the lives lost, the damage done, and the fear the terrorists created, Stewart returned nine days after 9/11.”
“They said to get back to work,” Stewart stated, adding: “And there were no jobs for a man in the fetal position, under his desk crying, which I gladly would’ve taken. So, I come back here.”

As Mic reported in 2012, “Seeking to bring some feeling of comfort and hope to viewers, Stewart talks near the end of the clip about the value of democracy, and the power of individuals and community in the face of terror.”
All this talk about these guys are criminal masterminds … it’s a lie. Any fool can blow something up. Any fool can destroy. But to see these guys, these firefighters, these policemen, these people from all over the country literally with buckets … rebuilding .. that is extraordinary. And that’s why we’ve already won. … It’s democracy. They can’t shut that down.
Stewart broke down several times throughout the monologue.
Watch:  Follow the Link to watch

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