Sunday, September 18, 2016

How to talk to a Trump Supporter: Great ideas here

Below is a list of options for curiosity-based questions you could ask. It doesn’t matter how the person answers your question(s)—the answer gives you important information as a basis for asking either another question or making your own statement. Later on, I’ll show you how to follow up with position statements that express your beliefs in ways that can also disarm defensiveness.
Opening Questions:
  • May I ask you something about what you just said?
  • May I ask about what you said when we were talking the other day?
General Questions:
  • What are the things that most draw you to Trump? (Though somewhat open-ended, the answers to this question will help you determine what other questions to ask.)
  • How would you compare Reagan as president to Trump?
  • Have you ever noticed Trump attacking people’s looks or intelligence if they ask him a question he doesn’t want to answer or if they disagree with him?
  • Did you see the video of Trump mocking the disabled reporter? What was your reaction? What would you say to your child if s/he treated a classmate like that?
  • Do you remember when Trump said that if Hillary Clinton gets to pick her judges, there’s "nothing you can do, folks” and then said, “although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know.” Did you think that sounded at all like a veiled threat or not? Do you think anyone out there might take that as an invitation to shoot her even if that’s not how he meant it? Would you feel different or the same if he said something like that as president?
  • I read about a girls’ soccer game where the home team fans were yelling, “Build that wall!” at the other team, which was mostly Latina and black, and the girls were so upset they weren’t able to finish the game. How do you feel about fans shouting “build that wall” to kids on the other team? If Trump were president, do you think there would be more or fewer of these kinds of incidents?
  • How do you react when Trump takes positions that ban entire groups of people from being in the U.S., like sending all Mexican immigrants back to Mexico and allowing no Muslims to enter the U.S.?
  • For someone who is very educated, you could ask: Do you think Trump ever suggests solutions, like building a wall to keep immigrants out, because it’s a simple solution and it gives him a way to avoid discussing the more complicated political and economic issues we face as a country?
  • What’s your reaction to neo-Nazis calling Trump their “fearless leader”? Why do you think they’re saying that?(If you need a refresher on white supremacists’ love affair with Trump, check out the timeline compiled by the Southern Poverty Law Center.)
  • Have you seen Trump do or say anything you believe was insulting to women? If so, to what degree do you think that would matter if he were president? (Note how this is different from asking, “How do you feel when Trump insults women’s appearances?” which is more leading.)

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