Sunday, September 18, 2016

Elizabeth Warren talks about Trump - video Trump has more support from the KKK than from the GOP

Elizabeth Warren: KKK Supports Trump More Than The Leaders Of His Own Party Do (VIDEO)

Elizabeth Warren was back on the campaign trail for Hillary Clinton on Saturday. During an event in the battleground state of Ohio, the Massachusetts senator skewered Donald Trump for having more support from white supremacists than from Republican leaders.
“Donald Trump has repeatedly invited his supporters to commit a horrific act of violence against his opponent, against another human being. I just want you to think for a minute — what kind of a man does that?” she asked. “A bully, a twisted bully who can’t fight his own fight, who can’t win a fair fight, who will never be a president of the United States, that’s who.”
“Let’s face it, Trump has more support from the Aryan Nation and the KKK than he does from the leaders of his own party,” she added.

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