Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Colbert rips Trump on the Birther scam. (Trump owes 5 Million too)


Stephen Colbert Hammers Donald Trump for Birther Lies: ‘We’re Not Crazy!’

The ‘Late Show’ host dismantles Donald Trump’s pathetic attempt to close the book on birtherism.

09.19.16 7:10 PM ET

This past Friday, Donald Trump finally brought himself to say the words, “President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period.”
“That’s what’s called a firm grasp of the obvious,” Stephen Colbert declared on Monday night’s Late Show. “Next I assume he’s going to announce that water is wet, that bears poop in the woods, and that Donald Trump is not qualified to be president.”
Instead, Trump went on to claim that Hillary Clinton “started the birther controversy” in 2008 and that he “finished” it in 2011 when Obama released his long-form birth certificate, all of which has been proved demonstrably false. “No you didn’t,” Colbert said. “And I know you didn’t, because I was alive and on TV.” While it’s possible that he was remembering wrong, the host said it’s far more likely that “Donald Trump is a liar.” And he had the video to prove it.

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