Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Colbert calls Trump a liar - very good

Stephen Colbert may have offered the definitive takedown Monday night of Donald Trump's effort to rewrite history on the whole birther saga.
In a more than 10-minute segment, Colbert repeatedly called Trump a liar without directly saying so, using clips of Trump himself saying "liar" and "world-class liar" and talking in exasperated tones about Trump's bogus birtherism claims in a Friday news conference.
Trump said Friday in a five-sentence statement that he ended the birther controversy in 2011 by getting President Obama to release his birth certificate and that Hillary Clinton and her campaign actually first raised the questions about whether Obama was born in the United States. Neither is correct.
After playing video of Trump saying he "finished" the birther controversy, Colbert went off.
“No, you didn’t. No, you didn’t," Colbert said. "And I know you didn't because I was alive and on TV."

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