Friday, September 30, 2016

Chuck Todd calls out Trump Surrogate about lying about Debate Polls which show Trump leading.

Chuck Todd of Meet The Press has often been accused of refusing to call out guests for making false statements on his show, while pretending that both sides are the same. But on Thursday afternoon’s episode of Meet The Press Daily on MSNBC, Todd struck a different tone when confronted with a Donald Trump surrogate who insisted that the statistically invalid and often comically rigged online polls somehow proved that Trump won the debate. Chuck Todd, incredulous, exploded at him on-air.
After Donald Trump communications advisor Jason Miller claimed that the polls had Trump winning the debate “in a huge way,” Chuck Todd pointed out that those were merely self-service online polls and all but took his head off for it. “Those are fan polls, man,” Todd blurted out. “Those are polls that computer programmers can mess with. Those aren’t real.”
Todd continued in disbelief: “Those are all like robot polling. They’re not real polling. They’re fake.” He then began laughing sarcastically before issuing his ultimate takedown: “Jason, you’ve been doing this awhile. You know those are bogus! They’re beyond non-scientific! In fact you have evidence, there is some evidence that there are computer programs that help refresh. All you have to do is empty your history and you get to vote again. They’re not real!”
Meanwhile, every scientifically conducted poll thus far shows that Hillary Clinton won the debate by a twenty to thirty or more point margin. Watch Chuck Todd explode at lying Donald Trump surrogate Jason Miller in the video

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