Monday, September 19, 2016

11 Ways a Trump Presidency will destroy the US we know.

Here’s 11 areas where the differences between Clinton and Trump are poised to take the country in starkly different directions.

11. Will right wingers control the Supreme Court for decades? 
10. How far will civil rights be rolled back? 
9. Will the rich keep getting richer? Trump has modified his tax proposals several times in the campaign, each time shrinking how much he’d cut federal revenues—but the bottom line is still a giant giveaway to the wealthiest Americans.
8. Will health care be recaptured by free-market predators?
7. Will student debt and high tuition remain sky high? Trump has no plan for reducing higher education costs and it is not among his website’s issues andpositions
6. Will climate change be ignored? 
5. Will the economy be trashed by a debt-fed bubble? Trump has boasted that he would create more jobs than anyone, but apart from promising to vastly increase military spending, revive carbon producers (coal mining, offshore drilling, finishing the Keystone XL pipeline) renegotiate trade treaties (which has not been done), and cut business taxes, he's offered few specifics
4. Will gains made by women be set back decades? 
3. Will the use of force abroad grow like the embrace of force at home? 
2. Will police reform, criminal justice reform, gun control, be totally lost? 
1. Will there be a revival of American racism against non-whites? 

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