Monday, August 1, 2016

Trump's former Lawyer talks about THE DONALD. (The Lawyer has some horrible things to say about his old boss)

He describes a limousine ride the two took, “to a meeting with the editorial board of a New Jersey newspaper in which my married client sought to regale me with the number and quality of eligible young women who in his words “want me.” I was just plain shocked and embarrassed, but I kept smiling. I wanted and needed this client happy. “
The former counselor to Trump listed numerous reasons why Trump is unfit to be president. He began with the obvious, stating that “the man lies all the time” and “his ego seems to know no bounds.” Wells also believes Trump sees himself as a political “strongman” or potentially as the new “king” of America, which is evident enough in the way that he comports himself. He mused, “One has to wonder what would happen if Trump actually had to govern or make one of his deals in a zero sum world of politics where the other side just says no.”
There are questions by Wells about the nature of Trump’s proposal to deport 11 million people, which any thinking person knows is absurd and logistically impossible. He asked, “How exactly do you round up and deport 11 million people? Is he going to use stadiums and nationalize cruise ship lines? Who will be doing the rounding up, certainly not the police, the army perhaps? The children left behind? How about the fact that American farms, restaurants, not to mention landscaping and construction labor jobs will go unattended?”

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