Thursday, July 7, 2016

FBI Director Comey shuts down the GOP re: EMAILS

IIf you want to understand what obsession is, you only have to look at the congressional career of Trey Gowdy.
Trey Gowdy is somewhat of a Clinton obsessed freak. That’s a quality, of course, that the GOP would absolutely require of the person they’ve chosen to lead years of witch hunts with the objective of keeping her from getting elected.
Gowdy, after two years of chasing myths and chastising Secretary Clinton for doing everything in her power to aid the people under attack in Benghazi, was given another chance to attack her on Thursday when the GOP decided they didn’t like the outcome of the FBI’s investigation, opting to investigate the investigators rather than accepting the truth of the matter: Hillary Clinton isn’t guilty of a crime.
FBI director Comey, whose job is to weigh evidence, consider precedent and come to a final decision in these matters, has explained the bureau’s position, which wasn’t anywhere near good enough for Gowdy. As a former prosecutor, Gowdy should know that the Director, a former prosecutor himself, isn’t there to comment with his opinion on GOP speculation.
It’s important to watch this video to the end, where Comey puts Gowdy, the Entire GOP and Bernie or Bust millennials in their place with the truth:

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