Saturday, July 2, 2016

50 FACTS ABOUT DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: Increase in likelihood that a woman will die a violent death if a gun in present in the home: 270 percent

  1. Number of U.S. troops killed in Afghanistan and Iraq: 6,614:
  2. Number of women, in the same period, killed as the result of domestic violence in the US: 11,766
  3. Number of people per minute who experience intimate partner violence in the U.S.: 24
  4. Number of workplace violence incidents in the U.S. annually that are the result of current or past intimate partner assaults: 18,700
  5. Number of women in the U.S. who report intimate partner violence: 1 in 4
  6. Number of men in the U.S. who report intimate partner violence: 1 in 7*
  7. Number of women who will experience partner violence worldwide: 1 in 3
  8. Order of causes of death for European women ages 16-44: domestic violence, cancer, traffic accidents
  9. Increase in likelihood that a woman will die a violent death if a gun in present in the home: 270 percent
  10. Number of women killed by spouses who were shot by guns kept by men in the home in France and South Africa: 1 in 3

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