Monday, May 30, 2016

Texas: War against Muslims is taking place. Whitey has his guns and wants to use them. (Scary White Guys)

They don’t know where it will happen exactly, or when, but a group of vigilantes — armed with their knowledge of firearms, perceived understanding of military tactics, and ignorance of Muslim culture — are poised to save their communities from a Muslim uprising they’re sure is soon to come.
Welcome to the Lone Star State! Sieg howdy, ya’ll!

The Bureau of American-Islamic Relations (B.A.I.R.), a group of white “patriots” led by a man named David Wright and whose name is a play on the Council on American-Islamic Relations (C.A.I.R.), have dedicated themselves to doing whatever they believe it takes to stop an impending Muslim invasion. They hold armed protests at mosques. They use pigs blood and bacon grease packed in the middle of their bullets “so that when [they] shoot a Muslim, they go straight to hell” because apparently “that’s what [Muslims] believe in their religion.” They stand on bridges and fire into stagnant creek beds, this apparently being the necessary training needed.
B.A.I.R. are ideologically-motivated and are committed to the use of force to further that ideology. They are domestic terrorists.
In April, a planned protest outside a mosque in South Dallas escalated racial tensions in a community already tense. B.A.I.R. arrived at the Muhammed Mosque in full camouflage fatigues like they were getting ready to storm Fallujah, but before their protest could get underway, they were met by armed members of Huey P. Newton Gun Club and the New Black Panther Party. Dallas police carefully observed the meeting between the groups. B.A.I.R. abandoned the protest without much incident, save for shouting and threats.

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