Sunday, May 15, 2016

5 Things the Right Wing Crazies said and did this past week.

1. Trump is shocked, shocked I tell you, at the fact that his longtime butler is a shockingly awful Trump man through and through.
Trump’s longtime Mar-a-Lago butler, subject of a charming New York Times puff piece a little over two months ago, turns out not to be such a sweet little puffball after all.   (He said President Obama should be killed.)
2. Two of the most despicable people in the world join odd forces.
We are talking about George Zimmerman, proud and unrepentant killer of teenaged Trayvon Martin, and pharma nightmare bro Martin Shkreli. First, Zimmerman charmingly put the gun he used to kill the unarmed black kid up for auction on, and as an added bonus for the racists and white supremacists who would want to pay big bucks for such a wonderful memento of American culture, said the money he raised would be used to fight the group #BlackLivesMatter.
3. Of course, Trump’s spokeswoman Katrina Pierson said something totally unhinged.
Much like her boss, Katrina Pierson will literally say anything even if that thing directly contradicts something she just said, or even something contained in the same sentence. That is because things you once said, or even have said repeatedly can always retracted, denied or contradicted in this Teflon world where nothing ever seems to stick.
Trotted out to comment on Trump’s statement this week that his oft-repeated call for a ban on all Muslims entering the U.S. was simply a “suggestion,” a harmless little trial balloon of an idea in his inflated pumpkin of a head, Pierson said this to Wolf Blitzer. It’s Obama’s fault.
4. Have no fear, Rush Limbaugh is still completely awful.
Trump may be the busy little backtracker, but certain things remain constant and reliable, Rush Limbaugh's awfulness a prime example. The issue of which bathroom transgender people should use has gotten all the hatemongers riled up lately, and though he no longer exactly leads his flock as he did in his heyday, Limbaugh is still in there fighting to say the stupidest, most outrageous thing.
On his show Friday, Limbaugh demonstrated his subtle grasp of the issues when he ranted that we might as well legalize rape since bathrooms are no longer just for one gender or the other. It was vintage Rush stuff when he told a caller concerned that his wife and daughter might be victimized in the bathroom by someone not living the gender they were born with: "Civil rights," Rush scoffed. "You could legalize rape if you called it the Civil Rights Act of 2016."
5. Trump confidante says completely unhinged thing about Hillary Clinton.
In fairness, saying completely unhinged things about Hillary Clinton is Trump’s longtime friend, confidante and adviser Roger Stone's stock in trade. The larger-than-life Republican dirty trickster spent some time with his favorite nutty conspiracy theorist Alex Jones again this week.
Per RightWingWatch: Stone told Jones and another guest, Gary Heavin, the founder of the fitness business Curves who just happens to be a 9/11 truther and right-wing movie producer, that he fears for his life because his nemeses Bill and Hillary Clinton own and operate a "machine that has a trail of bodies as far as you can see.”

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