Wednesday, April 13, 2016

TRUMP'S supporters DO NOT have the skills to GET THE SKILLED JOBS when they come back.

1. Trump's poorly educated supporters lack skills. 
Only half of Trump supporters have a high school diploma
2. Trump has no concept of the supply chain.
Apple computers are made in America already. Assembly takes place China, but the manufacturing happens in the U.S.
3. Trump's entire tax and budget plan is mathematically impossible.
Having never balanced a budget, it's understandable, but in order to create jobs, Trump may want to reconsider his enormous tax cut for wealthy
4. Trump continues to profit from foreign labor.
Trump is right that the U.S. now runs a significant trade deficit with China. The U.S. last ran a trade surplus in 1975. However, Trump’s line of clothing and accessories is made in low-wage countries, such as Bangladesh, China and Honduras. 
5. Trump underestimates technology.
It's not just overseas assembly that can diminish America's competitiveness. It's also state-of-the-art technologies. In fact, Foxconn, Apple’s biggest supplier, which assembles the iPhones mostly in its Foxconn facilities in China, installed robots (nicknamed Foxbots) in order to meet its iPhone production demands. 

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