Thursday, April 14, 2016

Kentucky Attorney General is suing the new GOP Governor for stripping Education Budget of 41 Million dollars

Courtesy of Think Progress: 

This spring, Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin (R) bypassed the state legislature to unilaterally cut $41 million in education funding. Now, he’s getting hit with a lawsuit. 

State Attorney General Andy Beshear (D) is suing Bevin over what he sees as a violation of state law and the governor’s authority. Bevin ordered a 4.5 percent cut to higher education funding in March, and Beshear told the governor he had one week to renege on his budget cuts or he would face a lawsuit. Bevin has refused to renounce his budget cuts, so the attorney general is following through on his promise to take the governor to court. 

“No governor has the power to do what this governor has done,” Beshear told reporters during a Monday press conference. “Under (the governor’s) view, a budget is merely a suggestion and the legislature is merely an advisory body,” he added in a statement. 

Beshear is attempting to restore state education funding as soon as possible, and has scheduled a hearing on a temporary injunction in Franklin Circuit Court for this Thursday.

Of course the Governor has vowed to fight this in court which means he will waste more taxpayer money that his state clearly does not have instead of admitting that he is punishing the children for the sins of the politicians.

Isn't Matt Bevin one of the terrible Tea Party candidates that Sarah Palin once endorsed?

Why yes he is.

You know wasn't it another Republican governor in Kansas that cut the budget so severely that public schools were forced to close early? Yep,that happened as well.

Boy if you want to REALLY fuck up your state it looks like the GOP is you "go to" party for getting that done.

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