Sunday, January 10, 2016

So Where do the OR Domestic Terrorists get their money to live? (While terrorizing the Community with Guns and stupidity)

So where do they come from? Donations come from the public, with people like Ammon Bundy, Blaine Cooper and John Ritzheimer begging for them online.
So these guys fund their takeover with public donations, since they can’t get the support of groups more organized (and possibly smarter, which is saying something) than they are. As far as home, well, as the guy above said, “The Constitution is more important.”
However, what isn’t clear is just how long this attitude will last. As both The Oregonian and The Raw Story say, sooner or later (and probably sooner), some of these guys are going to feel pressure to return home and go back to taking care of their families. Some are looking for odd jobs in and around Burns so they can continue to make ends meet, while others have left to work, but plan to return at some point.
Regardless, most of these guys probably aren’t as prepared to occupy the building “for years” as Ammon Bundy would like. They were drawn to the allure of an armed rebellion, fancying themselves “patriots” and the true defenders of freedom and the Constitution. They hope their names go down in history along with the great “insurrectionists” of American history, when they’ll likely be remembered as complete idiots. Giving up their homes and their livelihoods to defend extreme right-wing ideology is nuts.
The fact that they’re surviving mostly on small donations from supporters might turn stomachs, though.

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