Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Rachel Maddow calls out Republican Hypocrisy with Budget Bill.


Aaron Schock appeared on Meet the Press. David Gregory said that it seemed like Schock liked the Democratic Stimulus Bill. Schock went into his standard Republican modal. “Well I don’t like all the pork that was in the bill”, Aaron Schock said. “Seven hundred and eighty seven dollar stimulus bill, largest spending bill in history. One of the reasons it did not create long term growth is it didn’t have stimulative tax cuts in it but rather a lot of pork and spending.”
Rachel Maddow fired back. “Which are the least stimulative things in the stimulus [tax-cuts],” Rachel Maddow said. “I mean when you asses what create jobs in the stimulus. It was the tax cuts that were put in to try to win Republican votes that didn’t come anyway that are the least effective thing in the stimulus. So the theory doesn’t match the practice.”
Rachel then came with the coup de grace. “You in your district just this week, you were at a community college touting a three hundred and fifty dollar green technology education program talking about how great that was going to be for your district. You voted against the bill that created that grant. And so that’s happening a lot with Republicans sort of taking credit for things that Democratic bills do and then Republicans simultaneously touting their votes against them and trashing them. That I think is a problem that needs to be resolved within your caucus. You seem like a very nice person but that is a very hypocritical stance to take.”

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