Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Muslim extremist and Christian Extremist are made for each other: hilarious video compares them

It’s certainly true that both sets of extremists have much in common. It’s also pretty damned scary. Basically, Christian fundamentalists in America are the equivalent of ISIS in the Middle East. And one thing the video left out is that both have no problem with committing acts of terrorism to press their oppressive agenda.
That is why is more important than ever before to support the separation of church and state and reject the agenda of Christian fundamentalists who would gladly shred our Constitution and replace it with the Bible. Because in the end, the Islamic extremists would cheer them on if it means destroying the United States. Only it would be destroyed from within by the very people who claim to be true patriots. So, we are not only fighting ISIS overseas, we have to fight Christian extremists here at home. Because the two groups of extremists are equally dangerous. Always and forever.

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