Monday, December 21, 2015

Faked PP Video guy just got some BAD NEWS from the judge. (The videos are lies is what the judge says)

David Daleiden, leader of the zealots known as the Center for Medical Progress, just had his best chance at saving what little credibility he had left smack from his hands. In a crushing blow to his campaign to humiliate Planned Parenthood, U.S. District Judge William Orrick said that the films do not show any illegal activity and that their release could put people involved in danger. Judge Orrick also noted the correlation between the videos and the shooting in Colorado Springs, where the shooter’s one and only infamous statement seems to be “no more baby parts” — well, aside from his self-identification as a “warrior for the babies,” that is.
Orrick is right. The videos Daleiden twisted into a propaganda film the Third Reich would be proud of have not only been seemingly responsible for the lunatic in Colorado but the cause of death threats against innocent doctors used to spread lies.
Catherine Short, an attorney for the Center for Medical Progress, denied any attachment to the Colorado shooting and said there was no evidence that doctors are actually in danger. According to CBS News:
The release of the recordings is vital to furthering public discussion about topics such as whether the country’s abortion laws are too loosely written, she said. The center says in court documents its work is the equivalent of investigative journalism and protected by the First Amendment.
‘It’s beyond dispute that this material is of significant public interest,’ Short said. ‘I don’t think this court should be saying the public can’t handle the truth.’
Considering the videos were supposedly made to “expose” the crimes of Planned Parenthood, a judge saying there were no crimes pretty much puts the subject to bed. The public interest isn’t served when you skew the truth with edited videos, creating a harsh and possibly life-threatening environment for the people you recorded. Your own interests, the interests of religious zealots and those who seek to bring women back to the 1950s are.

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