Tuesday, September 1, 2015

President Obama will be in a village near me.

President Obama is going to a village that needs to be moved because of climate change and water coming into the village.  It will cost about 200 Million to move the village.

The impact of life and climate change has been severe in Kivilena (sp)  2 or 3 years ago, the village stopped school and sent their teachers away when some people went on a rampage and killed dogs and threatened the mostly white staff.

The store burnt down a year or two ago as well.  There is little to no incentive to rebuild the store or maintain houses because they spend so much time fighting the water.

Getting teachers in villages is hard:  At my school, we are still without a math teacher, a science teacher and a shop teacher.  People had signed contracts but the math and science people did not show up.  The shop teacher showed up but he could not get a teaching certificate so he had to leave before school started.

Living away from family and friends is difficult.  It is also very expensive.  I have to pay $500.00 dollars to fly from my village to Kotzebue to get onto an Alaska Air Flight that takes me to Anchorage and then to Portland ($500.00).

I do save money by not driving and not taking off on the weekends though.  I am constantly asked if I want to buy native are (beautiful pieces) from the locals.  If I start buying art, I will be spending money again.  Food here is also very expensive.

The kids I teach are great and in the end, that is why I am here.

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