Wednesday, July 29, 2015

God, Guns and Religion: The Republican misuse of Doctrine and Law

Who knew there would come a time when I would long for the days when Democrats and Republicans simply disagreed on how to combat climate change, not whether or not it’s actually real. But the last few years Republicans have created this alternate reality that seems to only exist in their own minds. One where the only requirement for something to be real is their desire for it to be real. Their incessant rhetoric about “fiscal responsiblity” is a great example of this. Despite the fact that a Republican president hasn’t balanced the budget since Eisenhower did it in the 1950′s, Republicans will swear up and down that they’re the party for “fiscal responsibility.” Yet none of these folks can seem to explain how a party is “fiscally responsible” while adding trillions to the debt. You know, like Reagan and both Bushes did. Their rhetoric about guns is another topic where they’re completely irrational. Our Second Amendment literally has the words “well regulated” written in it, yet they oppose pretty much any attempt to “well regulate” guns in the United States. Never mind the fact that tighter regulations on firearms wouldn’t impact a single law-abiding (and mentally sound) American citizen. The reality is, they’ve fallen victim to the fear-mongering propaganda that’s been pushed by the NRA at the behest of the big gun and ammo lobbies. They’ve become so absurd that one of their go-to catch phrases – “the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun” – quite literally says that the only way we can stop a “bad guy” is by letting them shoot and/or kill at least one victim before that “bad guy” can be identified and stopped by the “good guy.” Just think about this for a moment. If someone is armed to the teeth with a Glock holstered to their hip and an AK-47 strapped to their back, and someone with a pistol walking right behind them decides to pull out their gun and fire three rounds into the back of that AK-47 toting individual’s head, how did guns protect them? All they ultimately ended up with is a very well armed corpse, whose murderer may or may not be “stopped by a good guy with a gun.”

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