Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Hillary in badass mode: Video


Hillary Clinton’s big announcement has created quite the buzz amongst anyone and everyone who follows politics. Liberal-progressives are split over her. Some like her a lot, some do not like her and think we can do better, while others are not crazy about her but acknowledge that it’s basically Hillary or bust in 2016 for the Democrats. Things can change to be sure, but there won’t be another Barack Obama this time around to upstage her, and for that reason and a few other big ones, maybe it is best to accept that she just might be the only candidate capable of defeating the head clown from the GOP circus come 2016.
We have long ripped Democratic politicians for being too pragmatic and too soft, compared to Republican-style thuggery. It just seems like Republicans have always been better at being rabid attack dogs than the Democrats. And while there is some truth to the notion that Democrats should take the high road and beat the Republicans with actions and facts instead of words, some of us believe that Democratic politicians need to be able to dish it out better. President Obama has done fairly well in that department when necessary, calling out Republicans on their bullshit numerous times during his presidency, and we certainly hope whoever the Democratic nominee for president in 2016 can follow suit.
The below montage consists of numerous clips of Hillary kicking some GOP ass over the years. The lady pulls no punches and really knows how to fire back at partisan attacks from various Republicans. You may not love Hillary, or some of her past policies and decisions, but after watching the video, you’ll feel much more comfortable going to war against Republicans with her in your foxhole.

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