Saturday, March 14, 2015

Reading the Bible like Conservatives read the Quran

There’s an unfortunately popular meme going around conservative social media depicting some horrific doctrines of “radical Islam and ISIS.”
In at least one case, from the Conservative Post, the meme’s accompanied by a message suggesting all American Muslims should have to deny the doctrine listed or “leave our country” [my emphasis].
The list includes things like: enslaving for sex, approval of beating slaves, and killing non-Muslims.
This is an example of a hermeneutic (which is a fancy way of saying “method of interpreting a holy text) which seeks to prove a point by cherry picking verses from the Qur’an rather than having a larger understanding of the overall text. It completely (and conveniently) ignores verses like:
But if the enemy incline towards peace, do thou (also) incline towards peace. – Qur’an 8:61
And good and evil deeds are not alike. Repel evil with good. And he who is your enemy will become your dearest friend. – Qur’an 41:33-34
Just to show the folly of approaching a text in such a simpleminded and shortsighted way, I thought it might be interesting to pull a few verses from the Bible, apply the same kind of hermeneutic and consider the results.

1) Kill all those who do not worship God.

2) If a town is beginning to not worship God, kill them all! Oh – and burn it to the ground!

3) Kill you own relatives if they try to lead you away from worshiping God.

4) Not only is it okay to have slaves, you can beat them to near death as long as you don’t kill them.

5) You can sell your daughter as a sex slave, just make sure everyone treats her a little better than other slaves.

6) Spanking is probably good, but never rule out death.

lots more too - click the link above






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