Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Jon Stewart: Selma and the silly news coverage by FOX and CNN

The commemoration of the events that occurred at the Selma Edmund Pettus Bridge was a turning point in this country. It is a very serious part of the American history that is revisited year after year to ensure that these mistakes and bad deeds are not repeated.
Jon Stewart played a few clips of Congressman John Lewis (D-GA) in awe of the country’s progress having elected President Obama. This is quite an occurrence when juxtaposed against the savagery by the Alabama troopers in Selma. The struggle to vote cost many Americans their lives. It was a shameful period for this democracy, our democracy. It was a hypocrisy that required a nation to change.
Jon Stewart also played some inspiring portions of the President’s speech where he acknowledged that a country must be self-critical if it is to move forward. The event in Selma was a serious event that merited much better coverage. In fact it reminds us that those that are attempting to suppress the vote today will not ultimately win when together we all stand up. These are angles one would expect our journalists and networks to cover with the seriousness it deserves. Unfortunately none of that was forthcoming.

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