Thursday, January 29, 2015

Poor People Pay Double the rate of taxes of the richest.

States are taxing their way to greater inequality through a regressive tax system in which the poor are taxed at a higher rate than the wealthy. Regressive taxation limits state’s revenues and worsens income inequality, and it’s happening across the country.
poor peopleAccording to the Institute for Southern Studies, when you combine all state and local taxes, the average effective percentage rate for the poorest non-elderly people is 10.9 percent. For the middle fifth it’s 9.4, and for the top 1 percent it’s 5.4. The poorest Americans are paying double what the very richest Americans are paying. Where’s the logic in that?
HomelessIn my state of Florida, our regressive tax system has created a percentage tax rate of 12.9 percent for the poorest fifth of taxpayers, while the rate for the richest 1 percent is just 1.9.
Here are a 8 “luxuries” the poor might be able to afford if the tax system wasn’t fundamentally unfair:
  1. Food
  2. Medicine
  3. Gas
  4. Birth Control
  5. Childcare
  6. Clothing
  7. Heat for their homes
  8. School supplies

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