Thursday, December 25, 2014

10 Facts to upset your FOX spewing relatives this vacation.

1: The U.S. economy grew at a rate of 5 percent in third quarter,  the fastest rate in more than a decade.  Source: The Wall Street Journal  & The Washington Post
2: Gasoline prices are the lowest since May 2009. The current average price per gallon in the U.S. is $2.38. Source: CNN Money  & NBC News
3: The White House had no connection to alleged targeting of Tea Party groups by the IRS. Source: The New York Times
4: A GOP Congressional report found no wrongdoing by the Obama Administration surrounding the Benghazi attacks. The fabricated charges have been thoroughly debunked. Source: CBS News
5: Growth in government spending has been the slowest under President Obama than both Bush’s and Reagan. Source: The Fiscal Times
6: Climate change is real according to 97% of climate scientists. Sources: NASA & The Union of Concerned Scientists

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