Tuesday, December 23, 2014

10 Educational Aps for Kids during this Holiday Season.


1. Bitsboard.
Bitsboard is an app that is part discovery tool, part multimedia flashcard system. Think of it as a dynamic and gamified index of educational topics. Bitsboard engages learners by making a game of the learning process, and has more than two dozen variations on those approaches, from basic matching and true or false, to memory games and word searches
2. Pocket
Pocket is what it sounds like—a digital pocket to save what’s worth saving for later reading and reference. Articles to read for pleasure, research sources, ideas for projects, and more can all be saved.
3. SandboxSandbox is an educational game that allows children to experiment with the elements of the universe in digital form. Combine water and heat to make steam.
4. StorehouseStorehouse is a visual storytelling app for iOS that allows your child to quickly build elegant and engaging digital media “pages.
5. Today’s DocToday’s Doc is a series of 365 important documents in American history. 

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