Monday, November 10, 2014

We are in TROUBLE! GOP House Science Chair WILL NOT read Global Warming Studies.

This is the fellow who chairs the Science Committee but he will ignore what 800 Scientists are saying.  We are in trouble, the idiots are in charge.  Thank God President Obama has a Veto Pen over these fools.

“Congressman, it’s science. It’s 800 scientists,” said Johnson. “It’s not some random guy making a prediction.”
“There are a lot of scientists who disagree,” responded Smith. “For example, we’ve now had close to 18 years of no global warming even though carbon dioxide emissions have increased 25 percent over the last 18 years. Nobody can explain that.”
Smith, and every other Republican for that matter, seems to always ignore the fact that nearly the entire scientific community agrees that climate change is real, is caused by humans, and will have dire consequences. For Smith to claim that temperatures haven’t risen and gotten more extreme is ludicrous. Sea levels are rising and glaciers are melting.
The latest IPCC report stated that over half of the increased surface temperature from 1951 to 2010 was human caused. According to the House Science Chairman, “we don’t know enough yet to make decisions . . . Let’s continue to gather the facts.” Smith only means certain “facts” that fall in line with what his energy industry-controlled mind.

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