Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Republicans: Benghazi and the Dead Horse Theory

Republicans are beating a dead horse with Benghazi.  Those Republicans need to get a real job.

WC doesn’t want to belittle the late U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, Foreign Service Information Officer Sean Smith, and the CIA contractors and former Navy SEALS Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, all of whom were killed during the tragic events that occurred in Benghazi.
The Republicans who have attempted to create a scandal out of the tragedy, however, are fair game.
Most recently, the bipartisan House Intelligence Committee’s concluded that there is nothing – absolutely nothing – scandalous about “Benghazi” apart from what we knew already: that the outpost was poorly protected and that the State Department had been complacent about consulate security.
Putting that in terms we can all understand, that horse is dead. It would be prudent to dismount.
But we’re talking about Republicans here, guys like Senator Lindsay Graham (R., Denial), who told America, “I think the report is full of crap.”
Senator Graham is graphically demonstrating the Dead Horse Theory.

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