Saturday, October 11, 2014

Chamber of Commerce betrays Main Street Americans - Bigtime.

It's an idea that boggles the mind: America's largest, most powerful and best-known business organization siding AGAINST tens of thousands of its own members -- small- and mid-sized business owners in the U.S. heartland whose very survival is on the line. The only thing that could make that scenario involving the U.S. Chamber of Commerce even more staggering would be if the Chamber were doing this to aid a company that's not even based in the United States.
But that is exactly what is happening here in the Gulf Coast, where the U.S. Chamber, a lobbying Goliath, has sided with the London-based, pollution-spewing multinational corporation British Petroleum. BP is deperately pushing to reneg on its $8.7 billion-plus settlement with coastal businesses from Louisiana to Florida who were battered by the fallout from BP's reckless, 5-million barrel 2010 oil spill. Now, the Chamber's determination to side with international Big Oil against salt-of-the-earth American business owners is sparking an unprecedented revolt by the rank and file.

it is thrilling to see Main Street finally understanding the big picture -- and fighting back. I have great confidence that the Supreme Court -- despite its pro-business leanings -- will see through the charade that BP, the U.S. Chamber and its powerful allies are attempting on behalf of the broader interests of large corporations. But I'm even more reassured by the great awakening that is taking place across the Gulf region, from business owners to fishing-crew members to beachfront retirees -- that Big Oil does not share their values. That is a lesson that will have implications far beyond BP's underhanded efforts to add a few billion dollars more to its already bloated bottom line.

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