Friday, October 31, 2014

Bernie Sanders: Important Issues are totally ignored by News Stations. They won't let me bring them up.

In this clip, Sen. Bernie Sanders says he believes “one of the Supreme Court’s worst decisions ever” — Citizens United — has allowed big money to “deflect attention from the real issues” facing voters.
He goes on to talk about the challenge of getting big media to cover these real issues, even when he is a guest on a news program. “They say, ‘Here’s the story of the day. What do you think about the Secret Service… What do you think about Ebola?’” Sanders tells Bill.
While Sanders recognizes these as “important issues,” many critical problems facing Americans are not being reported on, including income inequality, the eroding middle class and climate change. Sanders says: “One family, the Walton family of Wal-Mart, owning more wealth than the bottom 40 percent. Do you think we should be talking about that issue? You can’t get the discussion going on TV.”
The reason the media doesn’t cover these issues is because “it’s not in the interest of the corporations who own the networks to actually be educating the American people so that they are debating the real issues.”

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