Monday, October 20, 2014

3 Minute Discussion on Ebola which is well worth wathing. Meet The Press

Ebola without the Political noise - very good.

Meet The Press finally put on a substantive program that showed a few rays of what good journalism could look like. The discussion on Ebola was mostly substantive. There were a few instances where political reporters showed their lack of objectivity and journalistic decency however. The experts effectively squashed their flawed reasoning.
Chuck Todd had two unbiased experts on the show. Laurie Garrett is a Pulitzer prize-winning science journalist/writer and senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. Dr. Gabe Kelen is professor and chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Johns Hopkins, director of the Johns Hopkins Office of Critical Event Preparedness and Response (CEPAR), and director of the Center for the Study of Preparedness and Catastrophic Event Response (PACER).

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