Friday, September 5, 2014

EPIC BATTLE: Corporations vs People who insist upon eating healthy

Corporate American made Billions with the American Diet, which is making people unhealthy and provides much profit in getting the fat off after putting it on.

I find it is easy to see that capitalism makes us sick with the standard Western diet of processed food and abundant sweeteners, for profit, and then heals us with various body industries, also for profit. Neocon angst over the Affordable Care Act would likely turn to hysteria if the federal government embraced veganism on health and environmental grounds. The American right to fast food is as central as the right to bear arms, although the fast-food sandwich, with fries, is far more lethal than the handgun, as Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) mortality data suggest. Esselstyn, Ornish, Fuhrman and other prophets of plant-based diets, including Colin Campbell who co-authored The China Study, note that we would save billions in health care costs by eating differently. Plant-based cardiology entered the mainstream with CNN's Sanjay Gupta's 2011 documentary Last Heart Attack. His account features heart patient Bill Clinton's conversion to veganism, following bypass surgery.

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