Friday, July 11, 2014

Border Militia turns into a Cluster-uck. (The leader is crazy. So much for the Well Regulated Militia. Just point rifles at the little kids damn it says the crazy one.)

Reminder:  The policy which has the Crazies upset is a GW Bush Policy.   President Obama is just doing the job required by the GW Bush regulations.

“What is accomplished by a picket line of armed volunteers threatening to shoot unarmed, half-starved and thirsty children?” Vanderboegh said. “I agree that the invasion is devilish in its conception, carried out by collectivists who could give a shit less about how many kids die along the way...

one of Davis’ allies insisted the militia groups would work to assist law enforcement, although Davis himself urged them to “start the next 1776 right there on the border” if they were confronted by law enforcement authorities.

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