Sunday, January 12, 2014

Right Wingers in FULL POWER Mode to stop any legislation to move our country forward - Obama Conspiracy is the goal

A secret audio tape of a May 8th meeting of the conservative group “Groundswell” (a total nightmare amalgamation of creatures mostly bearing Southern drawls, birther conspiracy beliefs and a reliable paranoia of being persecuted) shows the group using their collective power (media, sleeping with SCOTUS, money, evangelical base/money, GOP Congressional aides) to pressure elected Republicans into making something out of the now debunked Benhazi scandal.

Among those present at this meeting were Ginni Thomas (wife of sitting Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas), former Republican Representative Allen West and of course, Stephen Bannon of Breitbart News, who was on hand to instruct everyone how to handle the talking points (keep repeating that you are just interested in the “TRUTH”).

One of their agendas is to create a scandal out of Benhazi. And now we know how they did it.
Just imagine this—the party that calls everyone else a Nazi is meeting in secret to use their collective power of media, money and power to pressure elected Republicans to carry out their orders.

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