Monday, January 27, 2014

Koch Goals: 1. Own the Republican Party 2. Have Control over Congress by 2016 3. Own the President

What’s the Koch goal?

The Republicans have the House, likely until 2020. Soon the Kochs will have the party, which will give the House to the Kochs (they and their Koch Conference friends). They have two good shots at the Senate, 2014 and 2016. And they’ve already set up their next shot at the White House by putting Koch (and Wall Street) favorite Paul Ryan in the 2012 Veep seat next to failed candidate Romney. As Rick Perlstein says, Republicans always nominate the “next in line.” Well, Paul Ryan has a strong claim to that, and a pretty face.
So what’s the goal? If I were the Kochs, I’d aim for a takeover of all three branches by 2016. Why not? Do these men think small? Asl yourself: Would you aim lower, if you were evil, greed- and power-obsessed, richer than god, very good at “mergers and acquisitions” — and if all the power in the country were actually within your reach in the next three years?

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