Thursday, September 19, 2013

JellyFish are taking over the ocean

jellyfish blooms are a lot more than a nuisance to beachgoers not inclined to swim in waves teeming with gelatinous blobs and tentacles that can sting and poison. What’s going on now, as Tim Flannery writes in reviewing Gershwin’s book in the New York Review of Books, is nothing less than the jellification (a term used even by scientists) of the ocean with far-reaching consequences and in no small part due to human activity.
Fossils of this gelatinous marine animal are the oldest ever found. The notable upsurge in their numbers is a very recent development and downright alarming for several reasons.

Figuring out how to stem the global jellification of the ocean should be our concern first and foremost. Gershwin urges us to take action, push for policies and legislation to protect our oceans and keep them hospitable for all the creatures of the sea and not just millions of jellyfish.

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