Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Voting Rights Act was gutted by the Supreme Court, Juanita Jean

Those sumbitches gutted the Voting Rights Act.  I do not care what shiny face anybody tries to put on it, the opinion is an egg-suckin’ dog.


Maddow blog has more:

 MSNBC's Chris Hayes described the decision as "one of the most stunning exercises in 'judicial activism' ever," and it's an important point. While "judicial activism" is generally an unfortunate euphemism used by ideologues to mean "rulings I don't like," in this case, it has real merit. The people's elected representatives in Congress approved the Voting Rights Act, then re-approved it on three separate occasions, each with large bipartisan majorities. It's received the support of several presidents, also elected by the people, from both parties. This morning, five justices effectively declared, "The principles are legally sound, but we don't like where you're applying those principles." This really isn't what the federal judiciary is supposed to do, vetoing parts of laws they deem ideologically unsatisfying.


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