Saturday, June 1, 2013

Digging up the NEW KEYSTONE PIPELINE!! Danger already,

please take a look at my post from yesterday, VIDEO: Keystone XL tar sands “isn’t oil. This is a pipe-eating, planet-cooking, water-fouling goo. You can’t clean up tar.” As I said in that one, I would like nothing more than to stop writing about the tar sands pipeline (scroll), but I can’t. I have to do my part to make sure more people have the facts about this disaster-in-waiting.
It is worth repeating for the umpteenth time, it’s the “biggest carbon bomb on the planet.” Think Progress and Van Jones both remind us that the project will create only 35 permanent jobs, but will emit 51 coal plants’ worth of carbon. Plus, much of the oil would be exported elsewhere. We’d be way better off investing in clean energy instead of a costly, dirty catastophe-in-waiting like the tar sands m

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